The promoting material at Linkedin
This is for the Euroepan Commission to deal with you Linkedin and your advertisers.
I have seen promoting material of Banque de Parisbas, Microsoft.
According to the privacy rules I should even not has seen it at the headpage of Linkedin.
At the industryplatform I am opt out for all advertising.
When you read the small letters here at Linkedin, then you will be relayed from promoting to advertising terms and conditions..Strange path you are following here.
By using the word promoting you have an escape routing created that generates extra income for Linkedin and Microsoft and to keep the advertisers happy.
The privacy of the member comes under attack when you cannot accept the rules for Europe.
Making contact is impossible for the members, when you don;t accept the cookies policy of the firms that are promoting here.I have tried it doesnot work.Don;t blame me it is my free choice to block and I don;t accept cookies.
In fact the cookies policy need also to be changed, every citizen is entitled upfront to see which cookies you are placing and what you are doing with.Again you are playing with the rights of the members free choice.
The road need to be reopened for the members that are dealing in the same way as I do.
Members of the board of all advertising companies treat your customers with respect and not by chosing for cookies policy. first before you can make remarks or giving feedback.
We still live in a free world of enterprising and that give you no right to exclude entrepreneurs that won't accept the road you have chosen here Linkedin with your policy .
Contact is not possible with the mentioned emailprocedure the advertisers are using.
Yahoo redirects me to their registration even when you have an emailadress with Yahoo as provider.Verizon is now the owner of Yahoo.
The matter is very complicated , when I accept a website with their cookies and they advertise here at Linkedin, give that then automatic the right to place the promoting material?Then when I accept the cookies of them that gives not automatic the right for other advertisers that they can use the backdoor what i had to open .After i have visited the webiste I go back to the platforms where all advertisers can be blocked and they are blocked again.When the backdoor keeps open,then all third parties using this routing to collect unsolicited data.
One simple handling that overrules your privacy and that need to be protected for every member.
I 'll doubt it because when you go to Linkedin you see immediately before you have logged in that cookies are placed upfront by all parties including the third parties.
Then we have the mobile devices were you cn block.Only my option keep open because I don;t work with a mobile device, smartphone, tablets etc.I don;t have an account for this. how on earth can I opt out for these advertissements.
The only solution that will help all of us that the buyer of such a device need to accept the terms and conditions.Then the matter is closed for those who are not working with a mobile device, using a mobile phone. and should operate with the standard off for all cookies and tracking.That giive the user the freedom of free choice how he or she treats with the privacy.
Third parties cookies placing is off
Tracking is off when no simcard is used,GPS is only operational when you work with it else it will turn automatic off.
The backdoor need better to be protected
Cookies of the websiteowners is standard of.
It starts with respect for every individual instead you have chosen with the lawmakers that everyone will be handled as a suspect according to act of terrorism.
Who is watching you guardians and websiteowners?
Manager TIM Venture Capital, I am inventor of a new economic model at quantum leap level combined with a virtual central bank in dimensions made possible in 2019 through EC and EP the acceptance of virtual.
7 年Thank you Rafa Vidal
Manager TIM Venture Capital, I am inventor of a new economic model at quantum leap level combined with a virtual central bank in dimensions made possible in 2019 through EC and EP the acceptance of virtual.
7 年Thank you Dr.Abdulla Al Mandoos
Manager TIM Venture Capital, I am inventor of a new economic model at quantum leap level combined with a virtual central bank in dimensions made possible in 2019 through EC and EP the acceptance of virtual.
7 年Thank you Amin Hanif
Manager TIM Venture Capital, I am inventor of a new economic model at quantum leap level combined with a virtual central bank in dimensions made possible in 2019 through EC and EP the acceptance of virtual.