Promoting Access Around the World

Promoting Access Around the World

Welcome to WINS News!

August 2024

Author: Tiffany Wilson , Owner

HTML Email Version of the Newsletter

Inside our newsletter, you’ll find updates on our collaborative outreach efforts and highlights from our recent European journey advancing accessibility. We hope the stories demonstrate how our network is partnering together to build a more inclusive world through our shared mission to Change Access.


  • WINS CAN: Partner Spotlight
  • Accessibility Tips
  • WINS Outreach and Other News
  • Upcoming Opportunities

WINS CAN: Partner Spotlight

Noah smiling with a canadian water scene behind
Noah's headshot

Noah Senecal-Junkeer, Easy Surf

A valued partner of our WINS Change Access Network, Noah’s story highlights his personal journey advancing accessibility:

There's a joke that goes, "How did you go bankrupt? Two ways: Gradually, then suddenly."

Well, how did I go from analyzing financial markets to leading a team focused on digital accessibility? Two ways. Suddenly, then gradually.

I developed complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) following an injury I sustained practicing kickboxing. It's a semi-invisible disability that causes pain in my feet and hands. It's one of those conditions that are hard to explain. There's a lot of variation; I don't always look disabled, and my capabilities change day to day and week to week.

Developing a disability in adulthood allowed me to experience barriers and recognize parts of life that can be taken for granted.

When pain was at its worst, I struggled to stay connected with the world. I couldn’t use a computer with my hands for more than a few minutes, leaving me feeling isolated and frustrated. As I started using assistive technology to interact with the digital world, I encountered countless barriers that made accessing information and communicating with others more difficult than it needed to be.

I’m passionate about solving these challenges, and that’s how Easy Surf came to be. We want to create digital experiences that welcome everyone. As much as possible, I try to act as a bridge between organizations, accessibility specialists, and the disability community.

For years, I didn’t know anyone else who had used assistive technology. Now, I work with people who do it every day. I love learning how people’s access needs can be complementary or conflicting. It's a problem I can’t resist solving. I feel lucky to be able to do it every day!

Accessibility Tip: Practical Insights for an Inclusive World

Wheelchair lift in Europe

Description: This image, taken during our recent European journey, shows a staircase leading into a building with a wheelchair lift on the left side. The lift is covered and folded up, and a large plastic storage bin is positioned nearby. The space between the bin and the lift is too narrow for the lift to function properly or for a wheelchair to pass through.

Best Practice: Ensure that accessible features like wheelchair lifts are easily accessible and not obstructed by nearby objects. Regularly check that areas around accessibility equipment remain clear to allow full functionality. If an obstruction like a storage bin is present, assess whether it can be relocated or if the layout can be adjusted to provide the necessary space for accessibility equipment to operate effectively. Proactive maintenance and thoughtful placement of objects can greatly enhance accessibility and avoid potential barriers.

Outreach and Other News

April to June 2024

Maryland Telecommunications Project

WINS partnered with the State of Maryland’s Department of Aging (MDOA) to evaluate the accessibility of the Senior Call Check Program. Starting in April, we collected feedback from senior centers across the state and, by June, provided actionable recommendations to enhance the service. We’re thrilled to have supported the MDOA in developing a more inclusive welfare check service for Maryland’s older adults.

Tiffany in senior center standing at a table with surveys and flyers
Information Table at a Maryland Senior Center

La Grande Pride

In early June, we celebrated local Pride in La Grande, Oregon, connecting with leaders from accessibility organizations like the Eastern Oregon Independent Living Center and the Center for Human Development. At our table, we engaged with attendees through giveaways and shared our mission, championing diversity and inclusion in our rural community.

Tiffany at an outdoor Pride event with a table displaying giveaways like pocket hugs, stickers, fidget toys, and notepads.
Brochure Table at La Grande Pride

WINS Lecture at University of Vienna (Universitat Wien)

Tiffany dedicated the spring to strengthening her position paper, "The Unintended Harm of IoT Devices in Assistive Technology Distribution Programs," for publication and presentation. After presenting at the CSUN Assistive Technology Conference in March and discovering the 2024 IEEE Euro Security and Privacy call for proposals, her paper was approved and published in an IEEE journal.

In July, Tiffany was invited to present at the First Workshop on Accessible Security & Privacy (WASP) during the IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy. Held at the Universitat Wien, Austria, this event provided Tiffany the opportunity to present her published work and engage with global experts in usable security and privacy.

Tiffany standing outside a building entrance, with arms up toward sign,  Universitat Wien
Outside Universitat Wien

Official Published Paper

The Unintended Harm of IoT Devices in Assistive Technology Distribution Programs

Author: Tiffany Wilson

Organization: WINS, LLC

Abstract: This position paper examines the ethical implications of integrating Internet of Things (IoT) devices into assistive technology (AT) distribution programs for older adults and individuals with disabilities. Its focus is the potential unintended harm that may accompany the deployment of IoT and internet based devices as AT despite their promise to foster independence. Ethical dilemmas surrounding digital privacy, safety, and security are discussed, alongside considerations of the digital divide and challenges inherent in using IoT devices in AT distribution programs. Based on this discussion, the paper outlines the ethical challenges that call for immediate regulatory measures and protections to mitigate risks effectively.

Read IEEE Published Paper

Contact WINS for Free Paper Access

To request a complimentary copy of the final published article for individual personal use or to use the article in your own classroom, please direct message us here or use our website Contact form. Include your information and the purpose for requesting it, and we will be happy to provide you information on how to access it.

Upcoming Opportunities

Fall 2024

As we move into the fall, we’re looking forward to continuing our local outreach efforts and advancing our ongoing projects. Stay tuned for exciting updates and opportunities to engage with our work in promoting accessibility and inclusion in our community.

January 2025

Tiffany is excited to announce her participation at the annual Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) conference in Orlando, Florida.

She will be presenting two sessions:

Session 1:

Title: The Ethical Nexus of Internet Based Devices in AT Distribution Programs

Date and Time: Friday, January 31,?2:15 PM to 3:15 PM

Role: Presenter

Session 2:

Title: Digital and Distance Solutions for Those Living with Mobility and Speech Impairments

Date and Time:?Thursday, January 30,?2:15 PM to 3:15 PM

Role: Co-Presenter with colleague, Esther Klang CPACC

Learn more at

Your Event Here

Interested in hosting a workshop or presentation on accessibility and inclusion? We will bring our expertise to your event and collaborate to create impactful sessions that align with your goals. Contact us to explore how we can work together to enhance understanding and drive positive change in accessibility.

WINS Logo, W with person shaped i in the middle

Disclaimer: Any mention of technology equipment, vendors, or distributors does not constitute an endorsement of the product, service, or a specific recommendation for use. We prioritize transparency; if we receive compensation for promoting a product or receive it for review purposes, we will always disclose this information.

Esther Klang CPACC

Accessibility Tester | Product Tester | Beta Tester | Disability & Accessibility Advocate

6 个月

!.I love this newsletter; I found it very interesting and insightful. It covers many great topics. Thank you for mentioning my upcoming presentation about Digital and distance communication solutions for those living with mobility and speech impairments, with which I will speak at ATIA! Wilson Inclusive Solutions (WINS) Tiffany Wilson Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA)

In this edition, we are proud to include a story from one of our partners, Noah Senecal-Junkeer from Easy Surf!


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