Promote Your Business On Social Media: 5 Key Tips
NHS Community Care Administrator @ East London NHS Foundation Trust | HND in Electrical / Electronics
Having a social media presence is an essential part of running a business. With so many people spending time online, tapping into their conversations and making your brand visible is a surefire way to grow your audience and expand your reach.
But figuring out which Social media/platform to use can be tricky. You need to consider multiple steps, and sometimes even a seemingly minor mistake can make your campaigns ineffective.
To help you start promoting your business on social media, let's go over five essential tips you should consider.
Choose the Right Platforms
The first major decision you'll need to make is figuring out which platforms you should use.
Since new platforms are emerging every year and audiences now have multiple options, businesses must prioritize their efforts if they don't want to spread themselves too thin and not have enough time to properly execute social media marketing campaigns.
But how can you determine which social media platforms are the most promising in your industry?
Well, the best way to do that is to go directly to the source – your customers. If you can gain insights from them about which social media platforms they prefer, you will make an informed decision backed up by real data and not guesswork.
There are many types of surveys you can run, and customer surveys are at the top of the list in terms of the value they can offer. You could even organize polls on your social media platforms, asking people where they like to hang out online and whether they'd like you to be present there as well.
Provide Value
People follow brands on social media to learn more about their products and services and gain insights into the problems they are facing.
Because of that, brands must find a way to consistently deliver value to their social media audiences if they don't want their followers to lose interest and find what they're looking for elsewhere.
But what type of content makes the most sense on social media?
Well, the first thing to consider is the specific platform that you're working with. Each social media channel has its own traits and ways that people interact, so tapping into those common themes is an integral part of success.
As you can imagine, content on Facebook would be significantly different from content on Tik Tok or Instagram, so finding the right balance of not only what you say but also how you say it is essential. The same message can achieve completely different results if the presentation doesn't match your audience's expectations.
But at the same time, the quality of the information you're sharing is no less critical. Whether you're talking about our products or sharing valuable insights, you should start with your audience's needs and always think about how you can provide the most value possible with every single post that you make.
Have a Clear Posting Calendar
As mentioned before, the quality and insightfulness of your posts are vital. But to ensure that the quality remains consistent, you must have a planned social media/ marketing calendar that you can fall back on, knowing exactly what you must do on any given day.
For one thing, having a content calendar for your social media posts will help you plan the posts well in advance. Some posts might not require a lot of preparation, but others can take days or even weeks to put together, so having the time to execute the plan is always a good idea.
But at the same time, a content calendar will help you sequence the posts more logically. Facebook, YouTube, and other platforms are especially well-suited for sequential posts that span over a few videos or articles.
By drip-feeding the information you want to share, you will encourage followers to regularly check back with your brand and engage your posts.
And the ability to expand on the subjects will also help you separate yourself from the competition, creating more in-depth, more helpful, and more engaging content.
Keep Promotions Balanced
The ultimate goal of having a social media presence is to drive more sales. The companies understand this, and the followers understand it as well.
But just because you want to sell your products doesn't mean that it should be all that your social media platforms are about. If followers only get bombarded with offers every time they see your posts, it won't be long before they start ignoring you or even unfollowing you altogether.
To avoid that, make sure that the vast majority of your posts are non-promotional. Some experts recommend using 80/20 rule for the ratio you should adopt, making around 80% of your posts informational and 20% promotional.
This way, most of your content will still be useful and encourage people to anticipate the next post while allowing you to regularly post promotional materials that won't overwhelm your social media feed.
When creating promotional posts, experiment with what your audience prefers as well. Some people like them to be combined with informational posts, while others like you to emphasize the deals and offers that you are providing.
Make Your Branding Shine Through
When you curate multiple social media profiles, you're creating multiple hubs for your business as well. And while that's generally a good thing, it can also become an issue if you cannot provide a consistent brand experience throughout all the channels you're using.
Sure, each platform has its own rules, but that doesn't mean you should compromise on the core visuals and ideas that your brand represents. You want a prospect to instantly recognize what brand they're interacting with, no matter which platform they are browsing.
Since first impressions play a huge role, make sure that your branding elements are prominently visible and consistent on each social media page. That includes the logo, the colour scheme, and even the contact details, as they also help reassure followers that you're the right company.
The brand voice is another thing you should consider, as you don't want your content's voice to clash between platforms. Minor deviations that adjust for the specific platform are okay, but the core principles and the voice you use to communicate with your audience should remain consistent.
Final Words
Establishing a strong social media presence is a process that requires work and thorough planning.
But if you figure out where your audience hangs out, strive to provide value, maintain a calendar, and allow your brand to shine through, you will have a much easier time making yourself move visible and meeting your audience's expectations.
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Written in collaboration with Mariah Courtney