Promote An Egalitarian Versus An Elitist Approach
Our company's egalitarian approach to business is based on beliefs that are deeply rooted in the inherent dignity and equality of a person regardless of one's station in life, society or our organization. This view applies to our employees, customers, and investors alike. Contrasting this is an elitist view - an "us" and "them" perspective - reminiscent of a caste-based social system. This "holier than thou" attitude is ultimately a form of degrading others in order to place oneself above them.
Abraham Lincoln: "The best way to test a man's/woman's character is to give him/her power."
For more information on consulting services, contact Initiative Consulting Group at (407) 960-4686, Ext. 103 or access our website
*Excerpt from the book Smart Moves Management by John Thedford, available online at or through local booksellers.