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Cosmic Charade (???????? ??????????) ????
??????? ????? ??? ??????? ???????... In search of the origin of the Universe...
There are many different stories about how the world started off. The first scientific evidence was discovered about a century ago. The Universe started off with the Big Bang nearly 13.8 billion years ago. The word 'Universe' explains "Everything that Exists." However, the history of astronomy might be regarded as a sequence of steps, and at each step, the cosmos appeared to be expanding. So, what we mean by 'everything' has changed over time.
To provide the transformative answers to all these questions, Cosmic Charade is unfolding its newly launched blogging website. We utilize creativity to determine which insignificant questions are likely to yield significant results, imagine possible answers to their questions, and devise ways to validate those answers.
To visit our blogging website click here.