Promises Kept

Promises Kept

We could say that making promises and keeping them is tied to our honor and integrity.? This is never more important than when we keep the promises we make to ourselves.

We've likely all done it.? Vow to meditate, exercise, eat better or stay on your budget.? A lot of us also know, that although we may never consider breaking a promise to a loved one, it is pretty darn easy to break the promises we make to ourselves.? It also doesn't feel very good.

Although it would be nice if there was a secret sauce that would help us stay on track, experience tells us that the process of getting better at keeping your promises to yourself is made up of many small, but consistent steps.? This might give us a clue about how to proceed.

Let's assume that you would like to become a less reactive person.? Now, we know that there are many factors that might play into our current level of reactivity: past unresolved trauma, poor diet and sleep habits as well as no tools to deal with increasing stress levels.? One of the foundational keys is to get really clear on why to want to become a less reactive person and why that is valuable to you.

So, where would we start? Really anywhere. The goal here is to begin by making small promises to yourself and then keep them.? Small might look like go for a walk around the block after lunch or connect with a supportive friend for an afternoon cup of tea.? Whatever you choose begin to make good on these promises you've made to yourself.? Notice how good it feels to do that.?

Over time, you will find it becomes easier and easier and you just might end up liking yourself a little better!


