As promised ......
kunal ghosh (
Co-Founder at VLSI System Design, nurturing students in semiconductors
When I launched my course on "Circuit design and SPICE simulations" with just 5 videos and a pre-launch offer, there were many eye-brows raised about the credibility of the course, since its a critical topic and needs deep and detailed discussion (Wish I could share my emails here :))
Also, when I promised about guiding my course towards delay calculation needed for STA, using real time SPICE simulations, even more eyebrows were raised, as this needed extreme effort and an immense dedication to structure the course in such a fashion
Today, I am happy to announce, that efforts did pay-off and I did structure the course in a way, that now its converting to delay calculation. You can have a look at below snippet
More importantly, it took 30 videos (roughly 300 minutes) for me to reach to this video, as the complex analytical equations, needs to be cut down to smaller images for better understanding. I can now guarantee you, after watching first 30 videos, your timing analysis runs will be even more exciting, as now you know what's happening inside your standard cells.
This is not the end. I have more to add to this course, and complete the circle.
"Confidence comes from hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication." -- Roger Staubach
Stay tuned for more !! Happy Learning
Kunal (