The promise of technology gone amok, a call to action.
Made with MJ 6.1, graded in PS.

The promise of technology gone amok, a call to action.

“Technology will make our lives better than ever.” — A lie our debt-driven civilization has accepted.

A belief that has kept us motivated contributors in the long-standing race of rapid technological advancement that has changed how we live, work, and think.?

As a species, we’re becoming more and more aware of the terminal race condition towards ecosystem collapse.?

Yet, we have hope that things are going to change, and I do remain optimistic about that possibility.?

However, hope without action is quite useless.?

Considering the convergence of micro, macro and eco-system challenges we’re facing, it’s quite evident we're not adopting and implementing change in a thoughtful way.

Meanwhile corporations and governing bodies continuously create incentives for turning our habits and actions into profit, using us and the environment as collateral, simultaneously expanding their locus of control. Not because of some spiteful master plan for dominance, but as an emergent property of our environment, species traits, and the subsequent narratives (techne) we are born into.

We can’t change nature itself, but we can change our perspective on what’s important and consequently our approach to the game of life.?

Our current narratives brought us out of the mud, but today they are also the problem. Updating our narrative gives us the opportunity to change the trajectory and increase our capacity for adaptation.

As individuals and communities, we need to start thinking about what we don’t want, what we do want, and approaches for realizing our desires, beyond the traditional narratives. A vision for how the benefits of innovation can be leveraged to create sustainably meaningful lives.?

Without that vision, we’ll just continue to increase our productivity.

But to what end??

To feed a machine that becomes ever faster and more capable, along with the negative consequences, while holding on to the short straw?

We could wait for world leaders to figure it out, hoping they'll do a great job, while the reports on how disruptive and volatile the coming years are going to be keep flooding our feeds, maintaining our focus on spinning the hamster wheel that keeps us afloat as we approach the edge.?

Over the past decade a thoughtful, multi-disciplinary community has started to form in recognition of our complex predicament. Systems thinkers who are putting vast amounts of effort into mapping out the scope and interconnectedness of our existential condition.?

From nation-states and global narratives down to physics, biology, and the psychology of groups and individuals. I have much love and admiration for these thought-leaders and their relentlessly curious minds. But, as far as I can see, what's missing is a blueprint for individual and community adoption of sustainable development.

These blueprints are not solely going to manifest out of some intellectual exercise, but through the process of entrepreneurial pursuits to achieve viability at scale.

Vanguard Artificer is the embodiment of our ambition to take control of our path into the future.

A scope of challenges and a strategic roadmap towards antifragile community development that enable meaningful play and radical alignment.

Now we’re building the organization to realize our vision for disrupting how the game of life is being played. A path for bringing technological advancements into the fold, harnessing its power to benefit communities and their constituents, through a process of competitively advantageous productification.

The question that drives our current efforts in research and development are rooted in one core question: "How can we move forward, capturing positive effects toward a flourishing society?” A question we believe will bring answers to how we - the superorganism of humanity - can organize and live more meaningful lives of self-actualization while reducing negative externalities, and enable us to achieve our massive transformative purpose of enabling a life of abundant play.

If this quest piques your curiosity, consider joining our mission or follow us on our journey as we launch initiatives and unpack the challenges in developing resilient and sustainable, flourishing community habitats at scale.

Leonard Eastgrove,

Founder at Vanguard Artificer


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