A Promise of Mercy
A Promise of Mercy |
Jeremiah Burroughs.Hosea 1:10 Yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured nor numbered… I. A PROMISE OF MERCY TO ISRAEL. 1. The Lord in judgment remembers mercy. When God threatens most dreadfully, yet He promises most graciously. 2. It is usual when we are in prosperity to forget all threaten. ings, and when we are in adversity to forget all promises. 3. God in the midst of His auger, knows those that trust in Him. 4. Not only when God threatens judgments, but when judgments are actually upon us, let us sanctify God's name in looking up to the promises. II. TO WHOM DID THIS PROMISE REFER? It was not a promise to any that then lived, it was to be fulfilled in future ages; yet it is introduced by the prophet as a comfort to the people of God then living. Gracious hearts are comforted with the promises of God made to the Church, though not to be fulfilled in their days. III. WHAT WAS THIS PROMISE? That Israel-should be a multitude. The Lord remembers His promises, though made a long time since, so long ago as the time of Abraham. Observe — 1. There is nothing lost in being willing, as Abraham was, to lose for God. 2. When we are willing to lose for God, then is the time when God will renew and confirm His covenant with us. Note — (1) God has a time to bring in abundance of people to the profession of the faith. (2) Although God defers fulfilling His promise for a time, yet at last He does it gloriously. (3) We should greatly rejoice in multitudes joining the Church. (Jeremiah Burroughs.) |