The Promise of Improved Times for Approving Medium Density and Infill Housing

The Promise of Improved Times for Approving Medium Density and Infill Housing

The Victorian State government has finalized housing targets for every local government area in Victoria representing an additional 2.24 million homes to be built over the next 30 years. To achieve these targets, the State Government has started to make some significant planning announcements to facilitate an increase in housing supply and density.

Amendment VC257 which introduces a new Housing Choice and Transport Zone (HCTZ) and Built Form Overlay (BFO) to support increased housing density and infill development around activity centres and employment corridors. The HCTZ specifies mandatory maximum building heights for dwellings, small second dwellings and residential buildings. Under the Built Form Overlay “applications are exempt from all notice and review provisions in the planning scheme” provided that a proposed development meets outcomes and mandatory standards.

An additional 25 ‘Train and Tram Zone’ Activity Centre have also been identified in addition to 25 that were identifies in 2024. These zones are around train stations and busy tram stops throughout the inner-city.

Amendment VC267 is expected in March that will deliver a new Townhouse and Low Rise Code and 4 Storey Apartment Standards. The former will apply to townhouses and 3 storey apartment buildings and will provide a “faster and more certain permit process” provided they are ‘deemed to comply’ to the relevant provisions.

Clause 57 will be created for the 4 Storey Apartment Standards, which are not part of the deemed to comply assessment.

This link provides a summary of changes expected to be gazetted in early March under Amendment VC267. CS Town Planning will continue to monitor information as it is made available and advise clients accordingly. ?

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