The Promise of Christmas
As spoken by the prophets
In due time God fulfilled
His plan for man's redemption
The throne of David build
Songs from the choirs of angels
Poor shepherds hear the plan
A wayside stable harbors
God's greatest gift to man
There lying in a manger
The light, the life of man
An infant lying helpless
Yet yielded in God's hand
He grew in strength and favor
The spotless Lamb of God
To redeem and reconcile
Those whom the Father called
The beatings, blows and curses
For us vile sinners borne
The King of kings eternal
A crown of thorns has worn
Obedient to the Father
Surrendered to the cross
A life, a body offered
Our gains all from His loss
Yet every eye shall see Him
As Christ returns as King
Nations subdued before Him
His reign on earth begin
The faithful gathered to Him
All promises fulfilled
To live with Him forever
Just as the Father willed
He will not fail His faithful
Though times are dark and drear
His words 'I'll never leave you'
To wipe away each tear
A day all things are made new
Both heav'n and earth restored
In unblemished communion
The redeemed live with God.