Prologue to the book, "The Data and the Source"
Rick (William) Evans (DAMA CDMP TOGAF ITIL)
Digital, Data, and Information Capability Development, Implementation & Recovery (DAMA CDMP, TOGAF, ITIL) - GREENFIELDS - TO - HUMMING / CHAOS - TO - ORDER
The human body ceases to operate without air and the human psyche ceases to operate without meaning.
Data is to the human psyche what air is to the human body.
Even while dreaming, Meaning is being bounced around in your sub-conscious via electrical or other mediums.
If there was no air between two people, the words from the one person could not transmit meaning in the form of sound waves across the void. This is because sound waves need a substance to move through.
What would the sound waves be carrying? Simply data that has been structured in such a way as to make up the sounds that form the words of their common language.
In fact the words only have meaning if there is the context of other words, travelling by sound, or gestures arriving at the eyes by way of light, or other contextual clues arriving through the data known to those senses, each of which are simply data being transmitted to the other person.
All of the supporting gestures, facial expressions and contextual clues are data that helps us give meaning to the words we received. We call this data that describes data a fancy term “Meta-data”.
Meta-data enhances and clarifies the Meaning of the data transferred, perhaps by voice, or for the deaf, by the sign language, or stored in our memory, on video, paper or other type of storage.
When you, as a person, key into some form of technology your thoughts or answers, or even allow technology to stream the representation of your life in the form of video, audio and/or emotional tags into the “ether” of the data-world for transmission to Artificial Intelligence systems, or other human beings. It is not data for the sake of data.
Data is Meaning encapsulated in a Structure, stored or transferred via a Medium
“Meaning” is Data, described via one or more Structures and transferred or stored via one or more Mediums.
This book is aimed at all who want to understand Data and how to manage it.
Data Management is today where I.T. Management was 35 years ago (1985),
I.T. Management consisted of a geek with a computer in the back room and everyone was dead scared of it. They dashed in grabbed their printed report and dashed out again.
2021 (Today)…
Data Management people are considered to be the new geeks.
Data is mostly misunderstood, and everyone is afraid of it, leaving it to the Data Management Specialists in the background. The problem is, it is not the Data Management Specialist’s data, it is their data. It is their Meaning.
The Future …
Data is the new Employment Opportunity Direction. Countless types of jobs are opening with many career variations and blends.
Nowadays, each of the Data Disciplines to be discussed is a full, life-time career, with specialisations spawning within each of them every year.
This book seeks to give a very high-level description of each, pointing you to the Industry specialists who can provide more depth to each one.
What does this book give that others do not?
It shows you how to control time and the impact of it on your data.
It describes how the various working parts work together as a singular whole
It describes how Artificial Intelligence “Thinks” so that you can be one step ahead of it.
But first we have to upgrade your paradigm’s to work in more than 4 dimensions. I will do this with diagrams and stories, that will help you develop the neural pathways to think differently.
Once you have built the neural pathways to understand this, you will not be able to go back to normal linear thinking. So this is the point at which you choose to step into the new world of Data and A.I. or you choose to put the book down. And leave it for someone else to pick up. Please note – I am not joking about this. You will be different after this book. I take no accountability nor responsibility for your communication challenges after your mind makes these jumps across dimensions. You read further at your own risk.
I will attempt to provide an integrated understanding of the whole of Data Management
As discussed in the Prologue (Please read the disclaimer) I see Data differently to most, which is why the way I manage Data and Information makes sense and the results are useful to those constructing it and managing its usefulness.
If you had been to a holiday destination that I had not been to, I could deny the place exists, I could ridicule you and have others unite to reject you, but it would not change your experience, nor the truth of the reality of the place. Thus, we will have to agree to disagree on some aspects on what I will be sharing here, but I will not lie to you about it. I will share the truth with you, just as it is and you can deal with it however you choose.
I am a Christian, and unashamedly so. I was supernaturally saved from many things, the most notable was a petrol can explosion which set me on fire. Helpless, after attempting every form of escape, melting skin onto the floor, fire tearing at my lungs with every breath, I said the words: “Lord Jesus, I am pretty much dead already, so if you have something you still want me to do, then you need to do something now, otherwise I am coming Home.” I believe this understanding of Data is that something, and I think the timing coincides with Artificial Intelligence. You can judge for yourself once you see how it all, almost supernaturally “falls” together.
In 2010 I prayed again and asked Jesus Christ, with whom I have walked closely with since that day, the question:
“You said in the Bible book of Jeremiah chapter 33 verse 3, that I can call to you and you will show me great and mighty things that I do not know. Well I am asking you to please explain Data to me”.
Jesus responded by giving me a Map that incorporated eighteen words segmented by time and two constructs. When I received this I did not understand how this map worked. I received this in a matter of 10 minutes.
At that time, and for many years, the reason I was given this map has eluded me, although I am beginning to get an idea that it will help people during what is coming on our planet. I suppose time will tell if mankind will again fall into the wrong thinking, or if they will use this time to get it right. Time will tell.
Since receiving this Map I have tried to unpack the meaning of it. After almost ten years I think I have finally reduced the whole complexity of everything down to a single key. This key is the central construct of all things related to data and information and it has greater impact for mankind than Einstein’s , or the invention of the wheel.
The ultimate and most central core construct of everything.
Data (for anything) = T x t (I am still unpacking this, so don’t ask. By the end of the book we will all get it.)
My Journey with this Map:
Prior to 2010 I had spent most of my working career around data in some form or another, and at the time of praying I had been a Workflow Architect, and Data Architect. I had had to learn to integrate with all the different Business and IT Architectures.
In the year I received the Map, I was working at an Information, Communication and Technology Company. I soon discovered that the one construct in the Map aligned to Architecture, but not the IT version of Enterprise Architecture, but rather a combined version that spans both human and technology uniting them in an integrated singularly controllable capability. While this sounds very Orwellian, remember that I am a Christian.
In June 2012 I certified as an Internationally Certified Data Management Professional, learnt the international terminology described in the DAMA Dictionary of Data Management [1]and gained some insights into the then understood disciplines required to manage Data. The Data Management Disciplines were however not integrated in such a way as to describe their interdependency.
In October 2012 I joined a Telecoms company and discovered further insights relating to the Map and how to apply it as a lens uniting the different Data Management Disciplines. In this process the Map highlighted missing Disciplines which needed to be included to make the Data Manageable.
In 2013 The Map was called by some “The Data Atom”. Version 1 of the public Map was aligned to the International Data Management Association (DAMA)[2] ‘s DAMA International Guide to The Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA DMBOK ?) [3], by myself, using my understanding and experience at a conceptual level.
The Map does not replace, nor detract from the efforts of any other Data Management Organisation, nor individual, it simply connects these Disciplines, as described in the above Body of Knowledge, into an engineered order showing the mechanisms and connections and helps to understand how to use them.
In 2014 I started my own consulting Business and discovered what the second construct was for, and how it worked. This related to how to integrate and activate the technology you chose for the best use of the designer and user. This book does not suggest any technology, nor is it funded by any such company.
In 2015 I presented “The Data Atom Data Management Framework V1” at the DAMA International Conference in South Africa.
In 2016 The Data Atom Data Management Framework was upgraded to include alignment to the ITIL Service Management Framework and to better describe ways to apply the Framework Map to concepts across time. This Version 2 was then presented to the Chief Data Officer’s Forum in South Africa.
Later in 2016 The Data Atom Data Management Framework V2 was presented at the Chief Data and Analytics Officer’s Forum, where it was provided as a Workshop to delegates explaining how to actually use the Map.
In 2017, DAMA published its DAMA International DMBOK2[4], providing greater insights and more Data Disciplines. The Multi Dimensional Data Management Framework (MDDMF) V3 was created, retaining the version number from the previous Map, to align to this latest set of insights.
In 2017, The MDDMF v3.0 when through a publication process and was published at the State Library in Pretoria, South Africa. With this publication completed, it was uploaded to Wikipedia, in amongst the various other published works listed on Wikipedia. It remained there until sometime after Version 4.0 was published.
In 2017 I had used this Map on a number of contracts, and also provided training to explain how the Map worked and how it integrated the various Data Management Disciplines. The Map however remained just a Map, just like a Rubik’s Cube without its center that holds the pieces in relationship with each other. The pieces were still just pieces, and the relationships just relationships.
I knew there was more to this than simply what I had used it for, and that there was a reason for why I was given this.
In 2018 I again received a message from Jesus describing 8 gold bars, 4 mapped against time and 4 mapped against how we think. These were the changes which upgraded the Map to what is now known today as the Multi Dimensional Data Management Framework (MDDMF) Version 4.0.
I chose not to take this version through the same publication process as I took Version 3.0, and Version 4.0 was eventually removed from Wikipedia, being an unpublished work. I was happy with this, because many Data Management Professionals had let me know that they found it useful, with one saying they absolutely loved it. The Lord Jesus has never permitted me to sell the Framework, and so I sign it with the words “Free to All”, and make the version immediately public, thus making it un-patentable. (This is not the time to hide the tools to manage A.I. behind some trade mechanism. It is from Jesus, for everyone, and remains free to all, irrespective of who they are or what they believe.)
In late 2018 I started working in the United Kingdom and again applied my experience and the now upgraded Map. While working in the U.K. I came to realise that I understand the Map differently from other people. I think inside out, while normal people think outside-in. This clarity on my strange ability led me to investigate if I had mental capabilities that others did not.
In 2019 I was diagnosed as a High Functioning Autistic, which helped me understand why perhaps I had been chosen to receive this Map in the first place. While I continued to see new patterns and relationships, I still struggled to explain the amazing and perfect construct of this Map. Some people saw aspects in the Map that resonated with them, but for many it remained beyond their grasp, and beyond my grasp to explain. These difficulties have now been overcome, and this book will help you to understand the engineering behind Data Management in a simple, easy to implement way.
It is now 2021. I have insight that this world is about to go through incredible change and volatility. These changes will cause many to be unable to continue with what they are currently doing. For many there will appear to be no hope.
Saturday 2020-01-11, I received a new message from Jesus. I was finally given the key that activates the original Map, its words and its recently added gold bars. I finally get what Data really is, its purpose, and why we as mankind have been led over thousands of years in the pursuit of knowledge, and more recently, discovering electricity, creating technology, discovering that data drives technology, all the way up to the present day where we have created Artificial Intelligence.
This book leads you on my journey. It will help build the neural pathways in your mind to help you to make the paradigm shifts necessary for you to be able to use what is essentially from another dimension.
Only after this journey will you understand. There is no shortcut to the process either, so skipping chapters will not allow you to be able to understand, nor will you be able to use the key to the Map at the end.
If there is anyone interested in receiving a copy of this book once it is written, then please email me at [email protected], which is the email address for the free Forum that exists to help those interested in Data.
Who is William Richard Evans
Internationally Certified Data Management Professional (DAMA)
Internationally Certified Data Professional (ICCP)
Certified Enterprise Data Architect (TOGAF)
Data Management Experience:-
· Enterprise Big Data Strategist;
· Unified Communications Data Architecture;
· Enterprise Data Governance;
· Enterprise Data Architecture;
· Enterprise Data Quality;
· Master Data Governance;
· Master Data Management; and
· Legacy Data to Master Data Migration.
Enterprise Capability Development:-
· Enterprise Data Management;
· Enterprise Information Management;
· Enterprise Data Architecture; and
· Enterprise Innovation.
Industry Experience:
· Wealth Management; Banking; Retail; Manufacturing (Disaster Recovery); Petrochemical; Assurance; ICT; Telecommunications; Health Care and Government.
[1] DAMA International, DAMA Dictionary of Data Management. 2nd Ed. Technics Publications, 2011, Print
[2] The Data Management Association can be found at
[3] DAMA International, DAMA International Guide to The Data Management Body of Knowledge (DAMA DMBOK ?). 1st Ed. Technics Publications, 2009, Print
[4] DAMA International, DAMA DMBOK. 2nd Ed. Technics Publications, 2017, Print t