The Proliferation of Illegal Weapons

The Proliferation of Illegal Weapons

Illegal weapons refer to any type of weaponry or firearms that are not legally authorised by the government or authorities. This could mean that the weapon in question is banned outright, such as a fully automatic assault rifle in many countries, or that the individual owning the weapon does not have the appropriate licence or registration.

I. The proliferation of illegal weapons in Lebanon:

A. Causes of proliferation:

The proliferation of illegal weapons in Lebanon is triggered by a lack of regulation and enforcement. In fact, the laws on the possession of firearms are not sufficiently comprehensive or adequately enforced in some cases. This makes it easier for criminals to acquire weapons. Moreover, the illicit trade of weapons is a global problem. Weapons can be smuggled across borders and sold on the black market. A 2020 report from the NGO "Permanent Peace Movement" (PPM) suggested that there were more than 1 million unlicensed firearms in Lebanon, with a population of approximately 6.8 million at the time. Additionally, in regions that have experienced conflict or war, it's common for a surplus of weapons to remain. This was the case in Lebanon, where the Civil War (1975-1990) left a large number of arms in circulation. Furthermore, with political instability and insecurity in Lebanon, people may feel compelled to arm themselves for protection in areas of high political instability or insecurity.

B. Illegal weapons typically fall into several categories:

1. **Unauthorised Types of Weapons**: These are weapons that are forbidden by law in a specific jurisdiction. This category can include fully automatic firearms, certain types of explosive devices, chemical or biological weapons, and others depending on the national or international law.

2. **Unauthorised Possession**: Even when a type of weapon is legal, it is generally regulated, and ownership requires meeting certain conditions. If a person does not meet these conditions but still possesses the weapon, it is considered to be illegal. The conditions may involve age restrictions, criminal history, mental health status, mandatory training or licensing procedures.

3. **Improper Use or Modification**: A legal weapon can become illegal if it's used improperly or modified unlawfully. For example, if a semi-automatic firearm is altered to function as a fully automatic firearm, it could be considered illegal in many jurisdictions. Similarly, using a legally owned firearm to commit a crime makes it illegal.

4. **Illegal Trade**: Weapons that are acquired or sold through unlawful means such as the black market or smuggling operations are considered illegal. This can involve weapons that have been obtained illegally but are otherwise legal or weapons that are illegal in and of themselves.

II. The effects of the proliferation of illegal weapons?

A. On the community as a whole:

The prevalence of these weapons is usually accompanied by an upsurge in violent crime and unrest which can obstruct economic growth, promote a climate of fear and uncertainty, and ignite a cycle of violence that can be challenging to overcome. Furthermore, the most vulnerable groups -such as the underprivileged, women, and children- are typically disproportionately impacted by this rise in violence. Violence is more likely to occur when there are illegal firearms present, especially in cases of gun-related incidents. This covers accidents and domestic issues in addition to criminal activities. Moreover, political unrest and acts of violence can obstruct progress on social and economic fronts.?

B. On the individuals:

A survey conducted by Al-Mayadeen Net across various Lebanese media outlets about stray bullet incidents found that 147 people (45 dead and 102 wounded) fell victim to this phenomenon between 2013 and 2019. In 2016, the Lebanese Parliament passed a law imposing harsher penalties for those who fired indiscriminate bullets. Despite this, we also witnessed a large number of victims the following year (2017), reaching 41 dead and wounded. The same year, 300 people were arrested on charges of shooting, according to what the Internal Security Forces revealed to Al-Mayadeen Net. Many families mourn their children because of random bullets that threaten the lives of citizens at every moment. Despite official appeals and laws aiming to stop or limit them, even social media campaigns like #AcceptToBeKilled, efforts have unfortunately been vain.

To sum it up, lack of regulations and political instability are the main reasons for the proliferation of weapons, which results in an increase in crime rate and in the number of victims. This calls for an intervention from the Government to find effective and practical solutions to this problem.


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