Projects to be proud of...Dew Farm
Continuing with our Projects series, Tony and team have been successful with another interesting project as follows:
Milestone was instructed to prepare a Transport Assessment (TA) and Travel Plan Statement (TPS) in support of a mixed-use development proposal on land at Dew Farm,East Sussex. The application site was situated in a rural location with limited accessibility by sustainable transport modes, and as such future end-users of the proposed development would be heavily dependent on travelling by private car.
The key challenge from a transport planning and highways perspective was to present a robust and yet plausible net traffic impact assessment through comparing the anticipated vehicular movements of the winery, farm shop and on-site holiday accommodation with those associated with the site’s existing light industrial / agricultural land uses / activities. A ‘first principles’ approach was undertaken to establish the likely vehicular traffic movements for both the proposed and existing scenarios, based on information obtained from the Client. The TA successfully demonstrated that the mixed-use development would have the potential to generate an immaterial increase in vehicular traffic movements would have a negligible impact on Dew Lane and the surrounding local highway network. Further, it was argued that the proposed development would reduce the number of HGV movement including tractors along Dew Lane, further reducing the potential for conflict between motorised and non-motorised users, thereby creating more favourable conditions to pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians accessing the bridleway and public right of way networks surrounding the site. The conclusions of the TA were supported by East Sussex County Council’s Highways Officer and as a result the Client was successfully awarded planning consent.
Well done team!