Projects to be proud of
Tony, our Principal is proud of his teams project work on a recent Business development they have worked on:
I’m particularly proud of the work undertaken for an approved mixed-use development comprising the erection of a Lidl foodstore, a free-standing coffee drive through (GIA of 167 sqm) and two further food / retail units together with associated car parking and soft landscaping at Walworth Business Park, Hampshire. The application site had a number of constraints, most notably a rectangular configuration, topography (circa 1 in 17 gradient) and presence of high voltage electricity cabling along the eastern-end of the Columbus Way frontage. These constraints together with the unique specification for the Lidl store, had an impact on the design of the proposed access, parking, delivery and servicing strategy for the development.
The project involved lengthily discussions with Hampshire County Council’s (HCC’s) Highways Officer at both the pre-application stage and during planning, primarily to seek agreement on the design of the proposed vehicular and sustainable mode access arrangements, methodology for deriving the trip generation and associated impact on the local highway and transport networks.
Of significance, HCC Highways initial Transport Contribution (£200,000), which was required to sustainable transport and environmental improvements in the vicinity of the site as well as mitigation of the traffic impacts on several nearby junctions was challenged and successfully reduced to £126,800 (37%) using TRICS multi-modal data and the results of junction capacity modelling. The reduced Transport Contribution was favourable received by the applicant and in turn led to positive recommendations for other commercial projects in the Andover / Test Valley Borough Council (TVBC) area.
Feedback from client: George Shepherd, Development Director of Kier Property stated – “Thank you very much to both of you guys. It’s been a really good piece of work which we’re all very happy with.”
Arthur Tizzard, Project Manager at Kier Property stated - “Thank you both for your input on this. Getting this agreed has not been easy, but you have both done a great job getting this across the line prior to our committee date.”
Well done to Tony and team!