Dr. LemueL King MBA/MS/IT(LTU)/BBA(UL)/Certif ICT/IT WFP.
by Dr. Lemuel B. King's Book: Project Management and Project writing.
In this articles you will learn a comprehensive approach to advance project writing and management. You will learn about writing project proposal that can be used for any project management applications. Getting to know how to manage and implement the project is a very important part of the project skill and implementation. As mentioned, the process is complex. It needs lots of skill and education. So let, get started with the project.
Research and development(R&D)
There are two major parts of every project. All project with have these two parts. This is the key definition of project. It is about Research and development. They are two phases of thinking about project management.
Development/ The project development has to do with bring the project to life from within the project proposal. The project proposal is the technical documents of the project. Development has to do with the creation of the project. Note there are different kinds of project and development stages. The are also different methodology used in the project. The development phase also brings in the
A project manager or the project team must understand all, these things to run or manage a project. This is why project is important in all areas of works.
Why people write project.
People write or create project because they have a need, or there is a cause of wants. These are the reasons an organization hair project manager. It is the reason business or individual with want to create a project. If you can identify a need or because you will want to write a project, to deal with such cause or get the needs or wants.
Needs/ are the things human are demanding. They are important human requirements that they must have to live. There are different kinds of human needs in the world. But needs are different from wants. As mentions the human needs are the things important to live. human demand these things to live and they there be a supplier to give these needs. This their business come in. This is the reason project are created to develop these needs.
An example of an important needs is food. Human need food to live. If there is not food, they will die. They also need water to live. If there is no water, they will die.
Wants/ are things human needs but they are not life related things. Meaning they don't have it they can still live.
Example: War, a cellphone and many other more. There are millions of people without car in the world or cellphones. There are not going to die because they don't have these things in command. So, a car is not a need but a want. Meaning people have it because they want it. But needs are command demand all over the world. Everyone in the world need food and water or other's needs.
Needs and Wants are the focus of project management.
How to identify a need or a cause.
In this section, I am creating a project from an advance real-world view. Meaning how any company in the world will start building a product or carry on an engineering project. As I mentioned about the needs and wants, as the beginning of a project management of implementations. You will be to consider you are a company or a person haired to write a project or implemental a project.
For example.
Consider you are a company haired, by a client to build a software application or write a project. The stockholder gives you all information relating to the project requirements. They need you to write a project or build a system called FAMILY ALBUM, which will allow the following business requirements.
As you can see in the above example there are many business requirements, asked for by the employer. In addition, there are many things which you cannot create on your own. There are also many ideas a subject you need to write about in the project proposal. A high school or uneducated person will not be able to do any of these things not Evern close. You need the skills you will need the people
The project manager or write must have a very high knowledge about these business requirements. In addition, the project manager must understand the requirements and the language of the project.
How will you begin this project. How will you write the project or create the product requirement into a useful product or applications, that can be used for business or publics?
Creating the project.
Creating a software or product is one of the most difficult job or challenge in project management. In other project such as social projects or economic projects the requirement made be Stright forward and not that technical. But for more software projects it is technical and expensive. This why I have chosen a software that you understand the complexity in project writing and management. With a clear understanding of a software project anyone can many a social or economies project.
Note: there are lots of requirements which are needed. They range from:
A different product or project example.
Example, building a laptop computer don't only need the skills workers to do it. You will also need the suppler who will provide the materials to create that product. You will need gold, rubber, wire, inks battery and many other things in order to create that product and hand it over to the stakeholder or project owner. If these requirements are not available, you would not be able to build the product. Moreover, you will need money or budget. Many great projects or ideas get delay or never build because of finances.
The budget is one of the major problems in project management. I had been managing project for over 20 to 25 years, for organizations, business and personal undertaking project. the budget constrains had proven to be the greatest problem or underline cause of project delay or implementation. This problem is not limited to an individual project management, it can affect Government projects, organization project, business project management and more.
?What to know or do before Beginning a project Writing or implementations.
Before you begin a project, it is great for you to understand the financial constrained, as a key part to the project management and its implementation. It will surprise you to know that many people or companies who had never face financial problem don’t understand the concept of the financial complications in project management.
Financial constraints.
For example, bank give money to people base on their qualification, thus, there are laws to lending money, however, many banks take advantage of the opportunity that they are the holder of money. They decided who to give money or credit money.
?As you know money is a limited resource. meaning it is not just available to everyone. The right person in need of money made never be the one who have money. A holder of money made be a person that don’t have much to do with money or no idea in turning that money into investment opportunities. There are people with great idea for investment and a return on investment but don’t have the financial resources to turn that idea into that investment opportunity.
Budgeting in project Management.
The skill of budgeting in project management is the high needed skill. It is the major focus of all projects. Many companies or leadership, focus on the budget of the project. Reason is if there is no more there would be no project. If the company cannot generate the amount within the financial document of the project, they will not be able to carry out the project.
Effect on individual project
The budget issues can also affect individual project. Meaning a project doing a self-project and need money from the bank or sponsor, could be affected by the financial statement of that project. The budget could be rejected or accepted base on the figure within the budget. There is nothings like too high or too low in reason of the rejection. The constrain is based on availability of money. Or the willingness to give a lone or the money.
In the next articles you will learn the greatest skill in budgeting the project and writing the project.
This article is written by Dr. Lemuel B. King. If you used the work, you must credit Dr. King as the author and owner of the work. Thank you for viewing the Icons of leadership articles.