Project Spotlight: Exploring the Potential for Adaptive Tree Plantings to Restore and Sustain Forest Habitats Across the Upper Lake States
Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center
Delivering science to help fish, wildlife, water, land, and people adapt to a changing climate.
This MW CASC-funded project aims to help natural resource managers in the Lake States region identify best practices in adaptive planting and to prioritize areas for reforestation projects. It's led by Anthony D'Amato (University of Vermont), with co-PIs Brian Palik (U.S. Forest Service), Rebecca Montgomery (University of Minnesota), and Lucas Harris (University of Vermont), as well as postdoctoral researcher Lucia Fitts Vargas (University of Minnesota).
Earlier this fall, the research team collaborated with the?Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science (NIACS)?to hold two focus group meetings with stakeholders, including participants from state, federal, and Tribal agencies, universities, nonprofits, and the private sector.?
Project researchers also recently?published a paper?on assisted migration planting in Ecosphere. In the article, they put forth three case studies of operational-scale forest-assisted migration. Each study took place in the eastern forest region of the U.S., specifically in the red pine forests and black ash wetlands of northern Minnesota and the northern hardwoods and mixedwood forests of New England. These studies illustrate how the practice can be approached pragmatically, despite real and perceived barriers to implementation.?
The team will be presenting their research at the?Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative 2023 Forestry and Wildlife Research and Practice Review?conference on January 11.?
Read more about?this project on the CASC Project Explorer site.?