Project setup for Laravel, Vue js with Inertia

In this blog i will tell you step by step in easy way:

How can Download and Install Composer?

How can Download and Install Laravel?

How can Download and Install Inertia?

How can Download and Install Vue js?

Step-1: Download Composer

Please check availability of composer if have you available?

Open command line interface(terminal):

For Window:

Press “window key + x” and select terminal

Select terminal option then will open cmd window and write command “composer -v” in terminal window

After run this command you will see

For Linux:

Press “Ctrl + Alt + t” will open terminal automatically and run command for check composer “composer -V”

I haven’t available composer then download and install:”

Step-2: Download and install Laravel

Before install laravel should make sure available node, npm, php and composer version

if haven’t available node:

Before Download Node js: “”

Run command on terminal for check node version and npm version

node -v

npm -v

php -v

composer -v

If haven’t PHP and Composer installed on your local machine, the following commands will install PHP, Composer, and the Laravel installer on macOS, Windows or Linux:

For Windows:

Set-ExecutonPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')        

For Linux command

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"        

For MacOS

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"        

If you already have PHP, Composer then run command for Laravel global installer

composer global require laravel/installer        

Create a new Laravel application: using this command “laravel new example-app"

App creation done

Then run following command on terminal window:

cd example-app

npm install && npm run build

composer run dev

After this command will start development server on your local machine and open any browser and run this “https://localhost:8000”

I hope laravel app started on your browser

Laravel installation for laravel version 10

Run this command on terminal:

composer create-project "laravel/laravel:^10.0" example-app        

After installation run this command on terminal:

cd example-app        
php artisan serve        

After this command will start development server on your local machine and open any browser and run this “https://localhost:8000”

I hope laravel app started on your browser.



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