The Project Manager and People Evaluation
Giovanni P. Bonometti
Industrial Project Management / Strategic Planning / Multimillion-Dollar Contracts Negotiation / Process Optimization / Risk Management / Manufacturing Projects Implementation / Multicultural Environments
Reviewing the topics previously discussed, it became clear that the Project Manager faces risks from all sides. Paradoxically, success does not lie in avoiding these risks but in deeply understanding and preparing thoroughly to face them. Up to now, the following themes were presented in previous articles:
An important item that needs to be addressed, preferably as soon as possible, is the evaluation of the project team. The quality of the team is directly linked to the quality of the project, deadlines, and costs, as well as factors such as motivation, turnover, and interaction.
Evaluation Methods of Team Members
There are many evaluation methods, used at different times, but few ensure that the project manager obtains the essential information, because it is necessary to know:
Over the decades, from the time of BUNGE to McDonald's, we have gradually experimented with various methods, from Competency Assessment to 360o Evaluation. However, these and other methods were very laborious and time-consuming, often resulting in incomplete analyses or insufficiently applied evaluations.
The Solution
With the help of Artificial Intelligence, team evaluation finally flourished and bore fruit. Now, it is possible to conduct as many evaluations as necessary, not just one "batch" per year. Therefore, I recommend that managers seeking equal treatment, development, and results, use AI tools as support for their people evaluation methods as soon as possible.
#ProjectManager #PeopleEvaluation #Risks #LessonsLearned #CrisisManual #PreventiveMeasures #RiskIdentification #TeamEvaluation #TeamQuality #EvaluationMethods #ArtificialIntelligence #AITools @RobertoDeAzevedo @NeuzaArneiro @WalkiriaAlmeida
integrating ai for team evaluation marks a significant shift towards data-driven leadership while maintaining the human element in project management. #projectmanagement