Project Management : A Knowledge-centric approach
"All software is simply a representation of knowledge and it is the acquisition of this knowledge that is the real activity of software development." ~ Phillip Glen Armour[8]
The goal of this article is to help the leaders of software development organizations improve their productivity and make developers happy. For that we will put on the lens of Information theory to differentiate between knowledge discovery and knowledge application in defining an effective software development process. The primary purpose of this process is to show us where we have a lack of knowledge. Not only to show us what we know and what we don't know as much as to show us what we don't know we don't know. We acknowledge that the true role of the development process is to acquire knowledge, and the most valuable knowledge is knowledge we do not already have[8]. Armed with the new understanding we'll take an end-to-end view on the way we manage a software development project.
After that, all the way through the project, day by day, we should be investing effort to identify the knowledge gaps about which we feel most perplexed and how that perplexity is hampering our project the most. As software development is a highly cognitive and mentally demanding activity, it's important to understand how to measure the happiness of developers. A state of "flow" is a key indicator of optimal experience and happiness in work.
The Nature of Project Management
The very definition of a project implies a journey into the unknown. At the outset, many aspects of the project's outcome and the work required to achieve it remain undefined and uncertain. Acknowledging that any project will inevitably face knowledge gaps is crucial for effective project management. Addressing these gaps effectively is the largest part of project management and is key to ensuring predictable delivery in software development projects.
Unlike physical resources, knowledge is both the tool and the product of project management. The effectiveness with which a team acquires, applies, and transfers knowledge directly influences the predictability and success of a project. By effectively managing knowledge—understanding what is known, identifying what needs to be learned, and applying this evolving understanding—teams can navigate uncertainties, solve complex problems, and achieve project goals efficiently. Thus, knowledge is not merely an asset but the fundamental driver of project progress and success.
Central to this perspective is understanding the knowledge gap between what a developer knows and what they need to know to effectively complete tasks. Bridging this gap involves discovering and applying new knowledge.
Knowledge gaps can arise because the project team may lack the necessary knowledge and expertise required to address specific technical challenges or industry-specific requirements.
However, it's important to recognize that knowledge gaps also frequently represent opportunities for innovation, where the team must develop novel solutions to meet both business objectives and technological advancements.
Embracing this dual nature of knowledge gaps—as both hurdles to be overcome and as catalysts for creative problem-solving—enables teams to navigate the complexities of software development with a proactive and adaptive mindset.
In project management, we encounter things that we know and things we don't know. What we do know is the knowledge we possess and are cognizant of, serving as the bedrock for our decisions. Simply put, we are familiar with both the questions and their respective answers.
A large part of project management is managing the unknowns. The outcome of the project and the work required to produce the outcome is unknown at the start. We can distinguish between three categories of missing knowledge:
Dealing with “known unknowns” is the field of risk management. Dealing with “unknown unknowns” is the field of product management.
Once we are aware that each project contains “Unknown Unknowns”, it becomes evident that a process is needed to:
We call this process “knowledge discovery”.
Here is a process that will help manage knowledge discovery in a project:
This iterative process aims to acquire new and missing knowledge with respect to the project, through experiments and training.
Understand your project's complexity
The traditional view is that project complexity refers to the degree of difficulty, uncertainty, and interdependence involved in managing and completing a project[3][4].
But what does "difficulty" mean in the context of software development projects? Does it imply developers face challenges while typing?
This is where the knowledge-centric approach to software project estimation and management comes in, which focuses on the acquisition of knowledge as the primary activity of software development[8].
Project complexity refers to the amount of knowledge that needs to be discovered, i.e., the missing information acquired by the team throughout the project lifecycle for the successful completion of the project.
The project is a system composed of the people who will deliver (Capability) and the people who define what to be delivered (Client). The Client is responsible for defining "what to do," while the Capability is responsible for defining "how to do the what."
The complexity of a project can be influenced by both Client and Capability. We group the factors into two clusters based on their ownership and influence by either the Client or the project team (Capability). Here's the breakdown:
Client-owned factors influencing project complexity:
Capability-owned factors influencing project complexity:
It's important to note that while these factors can be categorized based on ownership and influence, there will still be some degree of interdependence between them. Collaboration and communication between the client and the project team (Capability) are crucial in managing project complexity effectively.
In this article we explore how to estimate project complexity using a knowledge-centric approach.
Understand your project's knowledge gaps
The main tool in understanding our project's complexity is the Complexity Profile (CP), detailed further here.
The Complexity Profile (CP) is a tool that categorizes knowledge into three types that the project team must discover to complete a task, user story, or epic:
Project complexity is influenced by both Client and Capability factors, including requirements complexity, client collaboration, team collaboration, technology expertise, domain expertise, and the development process. By considering these factors and assigning a quantity to each quadrant, the CP provides an idea of how much knowledge is required for each aspect of the project.
The most valuable knowledge to acquire is knowledge that no one has, but not all missing knowledge is valuable.
The need to know a project's complexity arises in two instances: before starting it and once execution begins.
Before Starting the Project
Before commencing work on a new project, we can comprehend its complexity using the process detailed here.
Figure 1 presents the initial Complexity Profile (CP) of our project, representing the perplexity of both Capability and Client about the project as a whole.
Upon establishing the initial complexity profile of our project, we can manage the project's complexity (knowledge gaps) through the following steps:
Starting the Project
For continuously understanding knowledge gaps during our project's execution, we will use the process explained in detail here.
At the end of the first iteration of this process, we will have a detailed operational complexity profile. Figure 2 presents the operational Complexity Profile (CP) of our project, representing the perplexity of both Capability and Client about the user stories.
Filling the knowledge gaps
"Lack of knowledge…that is the problem. You should not ask questions without knowledge. If you do not know how to ask the right question, you discover nothing." ~ W. Edwards Deming
An operational complexity profile is a maneuverable space. Each movement is a clarification. Clarification is a knowledge discovery process. All possible movements between domains are presented below.
Each clarification represents accumulation of knowledge about what is the problem and how to solve it.
For example, if we want to move a user story from cell CC to cell AA we have several alternative routes:
We also see the transition states between the cells. They are presented in stripes. An user story is in a transition state when it has left a cell but hasn't got into a new cell yet. That means work is being done to clarify the user story.
To clarify a complex user story we employ numerous experiments in parallel which will provide the missing information we need.
Each experiment should be:
To agree that our hypothesis is coherent is not the same as to agree that it is true. Any coherent hypothesis about how things could work gets a small amount of resources to run a short-cycle, safe-to-fail experiment. We manage the experiments as a portfolio. Some of the experiments must be oblique, some na?ve, some contradictory, some high-risk/high-return types. When we run several probes in parallel, they will change the environment anyway so the logic is that all experiments should be roughly of the same size and take roughly the same time. In practice those experiments generally merge, mutate or fail and a solution or solutions emerge.
As an example, here is a set of axes for experiments that could provide enough knowledge for both Client and Capability perspectives:
An experiment on one of the axes will affect the other axes. There might be a concern that there are insufficient coherent hypotheses, or more importantly insufficient contradictions. If that is the case then we should be concerned that we may have insufficient range of experiments and may be at risk of missing a key weak signal, or signals.
For example, if from a Capability perspective a user story is complex we may decide to do a Proof of Concept (PoC). We do that by preparing a concept with a couple of alternatives. Then the card will follow CC -> AC, and stay in transition until the PoC provides some missing information. If the results from the PoC have narrowed the perplexity we have made the user story complicated and the card will make AC -> AA. Another example, if a user story is complex from client perspective then the Capability could work with the Client by presenting alternatives. This is what software development experts do - provide alternatives not only about how to do but also what to do. When providing alternatives to the client about what to be done we have the chance to move the work through the CP in a direction that best suits our capabilities. One may say that clients who don't know what they want are the best!
Staff the team with the talent needed to fill most of the knowledge gaps
Understanding your project's complexity would show the expertise you need to acquire certain knowledge areas. Each of these areas presents unique challenges that must be addressed to ensure project predictability.
In general, the team should include professionals with strong technological proficiency, who stay updated with the latest technologies, programming languages, and frameworks, through regular training and hands-on experimentation. Domain experts are crucial for understanding industry-specific requirements and constraints, ensuring the project aligns with industry standards. Business analysts or stakeholders with business acumen are needed to align the project with business goals, target audience needs, and market dynamics. Integration specialists are essential for seamlessly integrating new solutions with existing systems, maintaining compatibility and data integrity. Compliance experts are necessary to navigate legal and regulatory requirements, conducting regular audits and ensuring adherence to standards. Finally, security professionals are vital for implementing robust security measures, performing regular audits, and staying ahead of potential threats. By assembling a team with these diverse skills, project managers can effectively address knowledge gaps and enhance the predictability of software development projects.
We need different people to work on different knowledge gaps. The difference is the level of perplexity they can handle both from Capability and Client perspectives. For instance:
When we need to adapt we need more diversity in the system because then we've got more evolutionary capacity. It's not a coincidence that for the living organisms the mutation rates increase under stress - more diversity more, adaptability. The requisite diversity is the optimal level of diversity for the context we are in. Diversity means inefficiency an organization needs to have. If overfocused on efficiency the organization loses adaptive capacity.
Diversity can help us answer the question posed by Brooks' Law[9]. The question is, "if I have a project that is running late, should I add people to it to speed it up?" Our answer is, "it depends on how you manage knowledge discovery." If the project scope is partitioned into work items classified using the Complexity Profile explained here, then you'll have Clear and Complicated work that can be given to the newcomers. That will free up your present developers to do more Complex work clarifying. Then the answer is "yes." The answer would be "No" if the addition of people will require that your current staff take time away from being productive to instruct the newcomers, resulting in a net drop in productivity. Hence, Brooks' Law: adding manpower to a late project makes it later.
Knowledge discovery funnel
"The organization and the people within it need to discover a quantity of knowledge that they do not have, and factor that knowledge into something that works." ~ Phillip Glen Armour[8]
We see that the complexity profile serves us as a map to show how we can move to reach our target level of perplexity. It helps us act in order to move toward reduced perplexity.
This dynamic can be presented in a simpler way as a movement through a funnel as shown on Figure 4.
We have rotated the complexity profile 45 degrees so that the lines of movement from complex to complicated and from complicated to clear are horizontal.
Only complicated and clear user stories can exit the funnel.
Clear stories let delivery to focus on capturing and codifying prior knowledge.
The flow through the funnel should not be in a rush. Especially if the knowledge gaps are numerous, complex, and interrelated. It must enable efficient and effective learning to close the identified knowledge gaps. Otherwise, bad decisions would be made and cause rework that would be very costly to the project. Delaying decisions will help you deal with making critical decisions with insufficient knowledge and simultaneously keep multiple options open until knowledge gaps are closed.
Delaycritical decisions until the knowledge is discovered.
In philosophy, synthesis refers to the process of combining different concepts to create a new, more comprehensive understanding of reality.
By considering the objects, properties, and relations that exist in the problem domain, software developers can synthesize a more comprehensive solution that better captures the underlying reality of the problem.
In the first step of synthesis we take the thing we want to understand as a part of a larger whole, hence it is put together with other things, not taken apart. We need to consider the parts not on their own, but in relation to the whole. We need to identify the contours of a system.
“Matter tells space how to curve, and curved space tells matter how to move.” ~ John Wheeler
We describe the space itself, not its features. Features of the system will emerge from the space if you did this. In the second step of synthesis, we explain the behavior of the larger whole. So if we are trying to understand a business, we have to first explain the market system the business is a part of. In the third step of synthesis, the behavior or properties of a part is explained by revealing its role or function in the system that contains it.
Synthesis is the process of making complex things complicated.
As an example, consider the problem domain of a new e-commerce web site. The objects in this domain include products, customers, orders, and payment methods. These objects have properties such as product name, price, quantity, customer name, address, payment type, and so on. The relations between these objects include:
By considering the objects, properties, and relations in this problem domain, a software developer can synthesize a new e-commerce web site that better captures the underlying reality of the problem. For example, the developer may decide to implement a feature that allows customers to easily view their purchase history, based on the relation between orders and customers. Or the developer may decide to implement a feature that displays related products, based on the relation between products.
Analysis is a systematic and detailed examination of a subject or issue, with the aim of breaking it down into its component parts, understanding their relationships and interconnections, and examining their properties and characteristics. The goal of analysis is to gain a deeper understanding of the subject being studied and to identify patterns, structures, and relationships that are not immediately apparent.
In the context of software development, analysis refers to the process of evaluating and breaking down a problem or system into its component parts in order to understand its requirements, constraints, and design considerations. This information can then be used to inform the design and development of a new system or solution that better meets the needs and requirements of the problem domain.
Analysis means obtaining answers to known questions.
Using analysis we make the complicated user stories clear or pick one of the good alternatives.
Let's consider the objects "Products" and "Customers" in the problem domain of an e-commerce web site, and the relation between them, which is "A customer can purchase one or more products."
To analyze these objects and their relation, we can start by asking questions about their properties and the ways in which they interact. For example:
Based on this analysis, we can synthesize a solution that better captures the underlying reality of the problem domain. For example, the solution may include features such as:
By considering the objects, properties, and relations in the problem domain, and synthesizing a solution based on this analysis, we can create an e-commerce web site that provides a better experience for customers and meets their needs more effectively.
Synthesis vs. Analysis
Analysis yields information about the structure of a system, and how it works. That's knowledge, know-how, not understanding. If we apply analysis to a system, we begin by breaking it apart and we lose all of its essential properties. We cannot explain the behavior of a system by analysis. Analysis cannot produce understanding of systems. We cannot examine a system by looking at its parts, you must look at it as a part of a larger whole. We can reveal its structure and all individual actions, but we can't say why it works the way it does. Explanation never lies inside the system, it lies outside.
Unfortunately, analysis and thought are frequently treated as synonyms, but analysis is only one way of thinking; synthesis is another. We should use the synthesis to achieve a whole system's perspective. Synthesis does not mean “studying a whole as a synthesis of its parts” but “studying a whole as part of a larger system.” Synthesis yields understanding, analysis yields knowledge, and it was that distinction that was critical for the emergence of the systems thinking. It uses both, but to understand systems, particularly those that involve people, synthetic thinking is required.
How to reduce variability and increase certainty about your project’s delivery time and/or functional expectations? By improving your project’s knowledge discovery efficiency!
How to do that? By using standard, routine, boring of-the-shelf components for the standard, routine and boring functionalities.
Most of the software being developed today is reinventing the wheel due to lack of knowledge about existing solutions and boredom on the side of the tech professionals when using existing solutions. Software development projects must use standard, routine, boring but very robust components. That would reduce uncertainty and mitigate security risks. That would also allow junior people to be trained and realize their talent on implementing the standard, routine and boring functionalities.
For instance - your team needs to implement a very common functionality - authentication and authorization. Authentication is the process of verifying who someone is, whereas authorization is the process of verifying what specific applications, files, and data a user has access to. Imagine that instead of using an existing component like Keycloak they decide to develop one such server from scratch. They will need a lot of new knowledge to discover - thus very inefficient in terms of knowledge discovery.
It is about talent, so effective talent usage would mean: develop what was needed. Efficient talent utilization is: develop what was needed with as little new knowledge required as possible.
“A bad system will beat a good person every time.” —W. Edwards Deming
Software development is a process of going from 0% knowledge about an idea to 100% knowledge of a finished product ready for delivery to a customer. In its simplest form, the job of software development is to reduce the number of unknowns to zero by the time the system is delivered. It is a process of knowledge acquisition and ignorance reduction[8]. Hence we model the software development process as a knowledge discovery process. The goal is to iteratively identify knowledge gaps, reduce our perplexity, increase our knowledge and close the identified knowledge gaps.
It is also a continuous process rather than a punctuated process. This means that moment by moment on the project, ignorance is identified, questions are asked, answers are obtained and validated, and knowledge is discovered[8]. We need to find the knowledge to be discovered for each user story. That knowledge is the difference between the missing information and our prior knowledge.
Quite commonly, we underestimate how much knowledge we have to discover to deliver the functionality to the customer, or overestimate our prior knowledge, which is the same thing.
People in general and software developers in particular are happy when working in a state of Flow. Flow experiences lead to an increase in productivity. When the flow conditions have been met they create a flow loop between action and feedback that allows for continuous and effortless tuning of performance while taking action. Flow loops make an activity worth doing for its own sake[2].
Entering flow depends on establishing a balance between perceived individual skills and perceived task challenges. Said in another way - capability should match work complexity.
After that the developer must receive immediate feedback that allows them to continuously adjust their performance as they tackle these challenges. This kind of feedback communicates how well they are performing and how they can improve their performance.
By measuring how well project policies and processes meet the flow conditions we can engineer a project organization that facilitates flow.
From a project management perspective there are two areas we need to create.
The aim of what follows is to shed light on how to design systems that facilitate flow.
Creating conditions for Flow
“The goal is to make full use of the workers' capabilities by building up a system that will allow the workers to display their full capabilities by themselves.” ~ Y. SUGIMORI, K. KUSUNOKI, F. CHO & S. UCHIKAWA (1977) Toyota production system and Kanban system
In order to have conditions for flow for each user story we need to find a balance between their perceived individual capabilities and the complexity. This balance should be tailored to the individual developer, with a slight preference for challenging tasks. To determine this balance, an assessment of the developer's individual capabilities and the complexity of the task is necessary. This assessment requires accurate and reliable information about both of these factors.
There are two types of knowledge that a software developer must discover in order to complete a task:
We refer to the developer's perception of the task complexity as "required knowledge." Bear in mind that the perception of knowledge to be discovered may vary among developers and could evolve over time for a single developer as they refine their skills and task understanding. It is also important to recognize that a developer's perception of required knowledge may not always align perfectly with the actual requirements of the task, and it may be necessary to provide additional training or support to bridge any gaps.
Prior knowledge on what to do and how to do it has already been discovered. This "prior knowledge" provides a starting point for the software developer, but additional knowledge must still be acquired in order to complete the task.
If there was a balance between individual capability and work complexity can be quantified by measuring the knowledge discovered after successful work completion.
It is more convenient to represent the four combinations of required and prior knowledge in order to complete a task in a matrix, which we will refer to as Complexity Profile (CP), which is explained here.
The diagram is intended to help visualize the balance between individual capabilities and work complexity that is necessary for a developer to be in a state of flow when working on a task. Each of the four subspaces in the diagram represents a combination of required and prior knowledge, which we refer to as knowledge to be discovered, or the information the developer needs to gain in order to complete a task.
The less knowledge that needs to be discovered, the happier the developer will be. However, it is important for there to be some knowledge that needs to be discovered in order to maintain interest and engagement.
To achieve a balance that is on a personal, individual level, with a slight tilt towards challenges, the developer needs to pick a task with a required-prior knowledge combination from one of the yellow quadrants that has a missing information between 2 and 4 bits. That means, there are up to 16 alternatives and it requires at least 1 and up to 4 questions asked in a row, in sequence, linearly.
Action and performance feedback
After a clear goal for a user story has been established i.e. what to do and how to do it, it is important to ensure that each individual developer has a balance between their abilities and the complexity of the user story. This balance should be on a personal, individual level, with a slight tilt towards challenges. To achieve this, we aim to have a missing information between 2 and 4 bits, which corresponds to user stories that are considered "complicated" and require some analysis by the developers.
To ensure that the balance is achieved, it is important to have a way to measure the complexity of a user story and personal abilities using bits of information. However, measuring the perplexity a developer feels when looking at a user story is difficult, if not impossible.
One way to evaluate whether a developer's abilities and work complexity were in balance is by measuring the Knowledge Discovery Efficiency (KEDE) after the work has been completed, as explained here By analyzing KEDE, we can determine whether the project management process is making developers happy. If it is not, we can make changes to our process accordingly.
Initial vs. Continuous Discovery
The Initial Knowledge Discovery runs without Delivery i.e Knowledge application. It may result in a Product Vision, Product Strategy, and initially validated Business Model that has a chance of achieving the Product-Market Fit. The Initial Knowledge Discovery can serve as a base for investment decisions.
After the Initial Knowledge Discovery we establish a regular feedback loop to continuously revisit and update the categorization of the user stories in progress and categorize the newly added user stories.
It needs to be emphasized that we don't get a full process specification, and analyze it all before starting delivery. Instead, we do the Initial Knowledge Discovery oly to have the categories for the project defined. For that we need a small subset of the requirements for the project. After that we run a continuous iterative process that flows through Knowledge Discovery and Delivery user stories in small batches.
If the project team is a Scrum team then the batch could be a Sprint backlog.
Product management
The Knowledge Discovery can be run by Product managers and Product owners. Then it can be called Product Discovery.
For each option in the Product Options part of the End-to-end board the following questions need to be asked.
Dual-Track Agile
Jeff Patton and others in the Agile product space have been big proponents of an approach called Dual-Track Development or Dual-Track Agile[6]. In that setup, there are two streams that run in parallel:
Product Discovery results in a validated Product Backlog. In particular, high-risk assumptions are tested before the implementation. We use Product discovery work to identify real customer needs and really test that we’ll get the outcome we hope for[7].
The difference with the approach presented in this article is that here we don't have two activities in parallel. Instead we have two activities Discovery and Deliver running sequentially, but at their own pace and with their own variation.
Works Cited
1. Bakardzhiev, D. (2016). Adaptable or Predictable? Strive for Both - Be Predictably Adaptable! InfoQ.
2. Schaffer, O. 2013. Crafting Fun User Experiences: A Method to Facilitate Flow. Human Factors International Whitepaper. Retrieved from:
3. L.-A. Vidal and F. Marle, “Understanding project complexity: implications on project management,” Kybernetes, vol. 37, no. 8, pp. 1094–1110, 2008. View at: Publisher Site | Google Scholar
4. José R. San Cristóbal, Luis Carral, Emma Diaz, José A. Fraguela, Gregorio Iglesias, "Complexity and Project Management: A General Overview", Complexity, vol. 2018, Article ID 4891286, 10 pages, 2018.
8. Armour, P.G. (2003). The Laws of Software Process, Auerbach
9. Brooks, F. P. (1995). The mythical man-month: Essays on software engineering. Addison-Wesley
Delivery Manager at T-Bank
2 个月Thank you for the article. What is a source of the complexity profile? Is it yours?
Founder, and Projecta, PhD
8 个月Very interesting article. When knowledge discovered can be measured (even retrospectively), you can also: - Express the scope of the project with the amount of knowledge - Determine if the knowledge discovery process is/was in statistical control (predictable) - Examine the correlation between knowledge throughput, financial throughput, and profit
Consulente di Direzione, esperto di Theory of Constraints, DDMRP certified, Facilitatore Lego Serious Play@
8 个月Great advice!
Want to learn about FLOW? Take my FREE FlowBooster course!
8 个月Another excellent article. The best insight is that complexity is really not a God given state of nature, but rather a function of what you (do not) know. As well as connecting the dots to flow! Well, well, well done, Dimitar!
Industrial CyberSecurity & Ai
8 个月I like the state of Flow. When I want to create an innovation solution for a complex problem I enter in Flow.