Project Management is a Closed Loop Control System
Glen Alleman MSSM
Vetern, Applying Systems Engineering Principles, Processes & Practices to Increase the Probability of Program Success for Complex Systems in Aerospace & Defense, Enterprise IT, and Process and Safety Industries
Without a desired delivery date, target budget, and expected?capabilities, a control system is of little interest to those?providing the money to produce the capabilities to accomplish a mission or fulfill a strategy.?
There is no way to ensure the needed – completion date, not to exceed budget, and needed capabilities – can?be met with the current capacity for work, the efficacy of that work process,?or the budget rate absorption of that work.?
With a need date, target budget, and expected capability?outcome, a control system is the basis for increasing the?probability of success.?These targets are the baseline to steer toward.?Without a steering target, the management of the project is Open Loop.?There are two types of control systems.
An?Open Loop Control control system?is a non-feedback system where?the output – the desired state – has no influence or effect?on the control action of the input signal.?In an Open-Loop control system, the desired state output is neither measured nor “fed back” for comparison?with the input.?An Open-Loop system is expected to faithfully follow its?input command or set point regardless of the final result.?An Open-Loop system has no knowledge of the output?condition – the difference between the desired state and the actual?state – so it cannot self-correct any errors it could make?when the preset value drifts, even if this results in large?deviations from the preset value.
A Closed-loop Control System is a feedback control system?that uses the concept of an open loop system as its forward?path but has one or more feedback loops between its output?and its input.?In Closed Loop control, there is a?“feedback” signal that means some portion of the output?is returned “back” to the input to form part of the system's excitation.
Closed-loop systems are designed to automatically achieve and?maintain the desired output condition by comparing it with the?actual condition. Closed Loop control systems do?this by generating an error signal which is the?difference between the output and the reference input.?A “closed-loop system” is a fully automatic control system in?which its control action is dependent on the output in some?way.
Key Differences Between Open?Loop and Closed?Loop control
Open Loop Control
Closed Loop Control
Using Closed Loop Control for a Project
Using these measures to calculate the variance between planned and actual. Take management action to adjust the productivity, the end date, the budget – using all variables produce a new Estimate To Complete to manage toward.
This is a closed loop control system
The Microeconomics of Decision in Closed Loop Control
Microeconomics?is the study of how people make decisions in resource-limited situation on a person scale. It deals with decision that individual and organizations make on such issues as how much insurance to buy, which word processor to buy, what prices to change for pro ducts and services, which path to take in a project. Throughput the project lifecycle, these decision making opportunities. Each decision impacts the future behavior of the project and is informed by past performance and the probabilistic and statistical processes of the underlying project activities. To make an informed decision about the project, estimates are made using this information.
Microeconomics applied to projects is a well understood and broadly applied discipline in cost account and business strategy and execution. Decision making based on alternatives, their assessed value and forecast cost. Both these values are probabilistic. Microeconomics is the basis of Real Options and other statistical decision making. Without this paradigm decision are made not knowing the future impact of those decisions, their cost, schedule, or technical impacts. This is counter to good business practices in any domain.
Let's Look At An Open Loop Control System
This is all fine and dandy. But where are we going? What's the probability we will arrive at our desired destination if we knew what that destination was? Do we have what we need to reach that desired destination if we knew what it was? In Open Loop Control these questions have no answers.
Let's Look at a Closed Loop Control System
We want to manage our projects with Closed Loop Control Systems
To manage with a closed loop control systems we need
This reference can have probabilistic?behaviors and requires estimates of this behavior to understand the stability of the?target?to steer toward.
The behaviours for the system are probabilistic as well. This can be stationary or variable. Understanding the probabilistic nature of the requires estimating not only the behaviour, but the consequences of this behaviour.
The sensor has probabilistic behaviours. Noise, nonlinearities, aleatory uncertainties of the measurements, epistemic uncertainties of the measurements - All requireing estimating
The Error Signal is noisy?as well. Estimating the dynamic behaviors of the error signal are required
Without the Desired State, the Current State, the comparison of the two, the Error Signal, the project is?running open loop. We'll arrive when we arrive at the rate of progress we are performing at, for the cost we are consuming. There is no information available to show what the needed performance of cost, schedule, or value production?needs?to be to arrive, on time, on budget, and on value (or near enough to call it close).
And when you hear about control systems and they don't follow the picture at the top, they're not Closed Loop. They may be Open Loop, but they are not Close Loop.