Project 'Journey' (February and March)
Park Thaichon
??Consumer Behaviour Expert | Not Yet a Professor | Chief Executive Housekeeper
We are excited to introduce a new community project titled 'Journey' to you. This project aims to support PhD candidates, early-career researchers, and mid-career researchers in their career perspectives and development. We will engage in interesting and meaningful conversations to explore various perspectives and experiences.
We hope that you or your team will find some of the sessions meaningful. If so, please feel free to share them with your PhD candidates or network.
Link to the Main Page:
Link to the Playlist [Journey]:
Production Team: Sara Quach and Park Thaichon
Support Team: Annie Y. , Lars-Erik Casper Ferm , Muhammad Haroon Shoukat , Nirma Jayawardena , Samby Fready , and Sanchita Bansal
We would like to take this opportunity to show our appreciation to our speakers for their support! A big thank you to Jochen Wirtz , Liliana Bove , Hiram Ting 陳芳堯 , Weng Marc Lim , Ian Phau , Min Teah , Lars-Erik Casper Ferm , Carlos Flavian , and Dr Vanessa Ratten .
Here are some of the sessions scheduled for February and March.