Project Feedback Devices.
Empower your project to communicate its performance by integrating it with a continuous integration system that runs automated tests and gathers code metrics. With static code analysis tools, you can keep track of specific aspects of your code and ensure it meets established standards. Instead of constantly checking metrics yourself, assign your project the responsibility of reporting changes in its numbers via email or instant messaging, or even an extreme feedback device (XFD) like a lamp, toy robot, or USB rocket launcher. An XFD will indicate a change in the project's state based on the results of the automatic analysis, making it impossible to miss even when you're in a hurry. Choose an appropriate device that fits your team's culture and aesthetics, and let your project speak for itself using speech-synthesis software and loudspeakers. With this personification, your project can provide feedback to developers based on the rules you've established. #ProjectPerformanceCommunication