Project Controls Analytic Ability

Project Controls Analytic Ability

Further explained


Today, Tuesday, May 3, 2022, I find myself in another high productivity mode, creating several new articles. The last business fiasco I witnessed is still rambling through my mind as if it happened yesterday. I would class this incident as the most significant modern stage production of the Keystone Cops in contemporary history. One might think this is me grinding an ax. But circumstances witnessed by someone with 40 plus years of experience began an ethical person to explore and detail, so these egregious errors never repeat themselves.??So, I need to disclose several of the mistakes I saw. Imagine, we were warned not to mention any of the names responsible for the last fiasco. I know about liability and the law, so why write what might be classed as disparaging information, although it is the truth. My being in the middle of the concern and activity for a great deal of catch-up of the numerous needs and requirements overlooked by the entrepreneurial team was a great learning curve. There is never a need to expose the failure strategies, or perhaps there was never a strategy in the first place. I was never involved in the original business plan output. I was entangled deeply in work to set up a maintenance department. But I and others were butting against heads which were much dense than our own. When there is good reason for others to approach you for special projects, I began to sense extraordinary intelligence involved in too few quarters.

The plant manager requested me to develop an IMS, Integrated Master Schedule. My manager shot this down if this assignment would require more than 2 hours per day. Little did the plant manager know that I’d been developing the criteria for a world-class maintenance department and fully understood the details of every type of craftsperson and their productivity with succinct, detailed knowledge.??

?My manager already had my calendar full of assignments; my calendar was full of writing assignments created by an entire maintenance department. This writing included: justifications for the additional personnel needed for our department. Many special procedures and databases are required when one has an acute understanding of machines. The calibration routines, quality checks, preventative maintenance, tribology/lubrication requirements, safety-critical elements, and the individual systems facilitating a safe industrial operation track these systems correctly. A list includes:

In the project’s hazard review, systems were reviewed under one set of conditions, but a decision was made for a major change near the end. This change decided to run parts of the process by injecting pure hydrogen. With this change, the Kobelco Compressor required internal parts changes. Were there considerations of other elements that would now be exposed to pure hydrogen? This change was the purpose I detailed in my book concerning the Change Contol Manager.?

When I stated 999 billion dollar estimates on my paperwork, I mentioned exactly what I’d been thinking for months. Then, in thinking about this, I might have scared some people away, so I had to mention that estimated with 2019 MSP, 2019 ?is only limited to 999 billion per schedule. So, if there are several phases, like six, we can account for 6 x 999 billion for the 6 phases. I Would advise others to take advantage of this offer while it is still good. Yes, I’m retired now, but I love to keep busy as it helps pass the time and keeps my 150IQ perky.

Let me explain the importance of 1,100,000 note capabilities as I would utilize them in any project, especially in complex projects. This functionality allows recording every activity and item within a project. (These notes, if an MSWord file, do not bog down the ram, like with a 2,600-page document word file. These are directly accessible from where they are stored, either on the computer’s drive or in the multi-gigabyte thumb drive. With this now known, we can easily account/detail activities of 2,600 x 1,100,000 = 2, 860,000,000 pages of detail. There are similar opportunities with Excel and other files. The geniuses at Microsoft made this possible to eliminate any shortcomings the product had in the past.)

This is a significant discovery/development provided by the professionals at Microsoft. Also, the files can be created from within MSProject and then go to the save-as function when prompted from Word or Excel, or other software’s operating system. This functionality is the magic of office 365 and MSProject Professional 2019.




? CMMS, Computerized Maintenance Management System

? Cooling Tower Undersize Problem. The cooling tower was new but existent upon my arrival, so this was a problem that required consideration. As stated by RECON Engineering, the cooling tower was only adequate for the process if every pump ran simultaneously. The critical risk in this scenario is if one or more of the cooling tower pumps went down, compressor oil cooling would diminish, causing critical lubrication degradation. With this in mind, there are no spare cooling water pumps.

? RCM Reliability Centered Maintenance. A 500-page work of mastery

? Data Lake Design for access to Oracle I-Cloud and the data-mining to clean the data

? A Turnaround Plan/Procedure

? A Solutions Database, a Data Lake of information, including the needed Data mining

? A Contacts and Services Database

? A Drawings Database, another Data Lake of Information. I was creating a database of all equipment tie-ins between drawing to drawing so there could be an easy trace down of systems and their intra-dependencies upon one another. This database is especially critical with the SIS; Safety Instrumented Systems System logic, although it did not exist, would likely be a last-minute emergency installation? Systems not often worked on or calibrated would require a record of steps to ensure proper bypassing or jumper, ensuring an accidental shutdown/scram does not occur.

? A Warehouse Plan/Procedure

? Pipe Fitter Need and Training Procedure

? Electrician Need and Training Procedure

? Analyzer Technician Need and Training Procedure

? Lubrication Technician Needs and Training

? A Horizontal Pump Plan/Procedure

o Alignment

o Seal Replacement

o Coupling Replacement

o Barrier Fluid Setup

o Motor Lubrication

? A Vertical Pump Plan/Procedure

o Alignment

o Seal Replacement

o Coupling Replacement

o Barrier Fluid Setup

o Motor Lubrication

??Manual Valve Repacking Procedure

??Fin Fan Shive Alignment

??Control Valve Repacking Procedure

??Electrical Integrity Testing Program

o Mega Ohm Testing, for winding integrity

o Megger

o Continuity

??Flooded Screw Compressor Integrity Program

My manager had some inkling of my database capability. I discussed the database I managed at Gulf Island Shipyards. When illogic rules a project, and one is required to operate logically among this illogic, it’s a bit like beating your head against a brick wall.

So many circumstances were evident, especially when we were in the meeting as they announced the contractor would be working overtime to complete the project quicker. These company PMs felt pressure to hire operators and too few persons for the maintenance departments. This fallacy is the first we’ll discuss, as there are numerous others to address. My boss and I made multiple inspections in the field as we discussed what we witnessed, the low productivity on several occasions. My manager knew my capabilities as he read many of the articles I produced and had placed on LinkedIn and the GCIN, Gulf Coast Industrial News. At this same time, I wrote a justification/feasibility study for IIoT and PA. ??

Over the last couple of years, I took the time to highlight some of my experiences and why some employers didn’t take advantage of my skills is beyond me. This problem remains in the industry when these HR or acting HR people only want abbreviated information on persons. The most experienced persons are overlooked, probably due to other reasons, such as ‘Arrogant Ignorance.’ I’m not fussing at anyone specifically, just the SNAFU circumstances in general.


