Progressive Web Applications

Hello, connections!

Are you planning for mobile apps for your business? But can't afford to build it as Android & IoS apps cost a lot. I will give the solution to it. The solution is known as P.W.As.

What is P.W.As? 

So I believe that this P.W.As is unknown to you all. I will help to know that. Progressive web apps (PWAs) are a type of mobile app delivered through the web, built using common web technologies. They intend to work on any platform that uses a standards-compliant browser. Functionality includes working offline, push notifications, and device hardware access, enabling creating user experiences similar to native applications on mobile devices. Since they are the type of webpage or website known as a web app, there is no requirement for developers or users to install the web apps via Apple App Store or Google Play.

Among the main features, the ability to work offline allows PWAs to perform much faster & provide more features to help close the gap with native apps.

PWAs do not require separate bundling or distribution. The publication of a progressive web app would be for any other web page. PWAs work in any browser; features such as being independent of connectivity, install to the home screen and push messaging depend on browser support. 

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