Progressive offers the widest range of styles and sizes for designers.
Progressive Components
Global Standards and Innovative Components for Maximum Tooling Performance
It's the time of year when toolroom managers coordinate date plug changeovers. But what about design decisions made throughout the year??
Let's take a look at some Progressive advantages:
Tapered Series
Running low-viscosity materials? High Temps??
Pro's exclusive Tapered Series Date Stamps feature a tapered seal for conditions where flash is a concern.
RF Series - Raised Lettering
Does Dater engraving affect part function or appearance??
Raised lettering is available in our RF Series (Remains Flush).
Replacement Plugs
How can identifying plugs be made easier??
We start by engraving our website/logo onto plugs and offer annual replacements not just for Pro's but also compatible with other brands.
Locking Multi-Daters
Looking to reduce year-end changeovers?
Check out the new Multi-Daters, which feature a locking detent and are available in either a six or eleven year version.
With sizes beginning at 2mm for tight spaces and up to 40mm for large structural foam molds, Progressive offers the widest range of styles and sizes for designers.
For more information on Progressive's line of Date Plugs and Rings, or any of our exclusive components for molds, visit, email [email protected], or call 1-800-269-6653. For a complete product listing, catalog pages, and CAD geometry downloads, please visit