The Progressive Leader: On returning to the office
Joel Bryant, Ed.D.
I am the Voice of Greatness. Founder, Word in Season Publications, Award-Winning Author, Focus Group Moderator, Ghostwriter, Director, Bryant Leadership Coaching, C-Suite Network Executive, The C-Suite Network,
???? The division of labor is only the tip of a sagging ship torn by riptides, downturns and their dynamics. Not just in the economy, but in the psyche of citizens who are increasingly less willing to pander for shillings and to bob for benefits, however bonafide. (Fifty-four percent of the gig economy employees lack employer-based benefits.) Twenty-three percent lack health insurance.
Rigs and Rigidity
???? Hence the descent of Door Dash, Fiverr, Lyft, Uber/Uber Eats and every other rig whereby workers escape the rigidity of traditional employment (57 million or 36% of American workers). This figure will inflate to fifty percent by 2027. The emergence of these skiffs reveals attempts to skirt corporate constraints.
???? They also echo discontent --deep and divisive. Hence the reluctance of many employees to come aground by returning to the office. ?Their metaphorical refusal to come on deck is an attempt to ditch traditions that betray their expanding consciousness and their changing needs. It also expresses a desire for greater self-determination along with efforts to de-stress. In fact, fifty-six percent of American workers associate working remotely with reduced stress levels. According to FlexJobs, ninety-five percent believe hybrid work helps their mental health.
The Solution
???? The solution to this conundrum isn't in abusing the privilege as employees or in causing carnage as leaders (layoffs, mass firings, threats, etc.) It rests rather in embracing hybridity instead. In this regard, the question isn’t whether employees should return to the office, but rather how remote employee performance affects organizational success based on its business model, its mandates and its benchmarks. If these align,?enforcing old designs disserves. If, moreover, a rose renamed remains aromatic, it shouldn’t matter where we work provided the site sires success consonant with the organizational mission.
Progressive Leaders
???? Progressive leaders understand the need to change with the times while acknowledging a natural desire for self-determination, and the corrosive effects of unnecessary stress. Thus, it heralds hubris to reject hybrid as remedial rather than issuing inflexible return to office edicts. It is equally foolish to eschew this manner as the model of the future. Similarly, employees who coddle their conceits by insisting on working remotely indefinitely are likewise abusive and foolish.
Modern Day Melians
???? Mirroring the mythical Melian debate wherein the Athenians told the Melians that, though they had claims for refusing, they lacked claws to defend these claims and thus must support Athens in its war efforts or suffer accordingly. Intransigent employees will soon face a similar choice.
???? Work, of course, isn’t war. But treaties and entreaties undergird leadership, followership also. Without which, results undermine mutual interests.
Beyond Tradition
??? ?Progressive leaders denounce crash courses. Nor are they defiant in defense of tradition despite its historicity. This leadership recognizes when tradition betrays human nature and the modern psyche. It adjusts thereto because it understands that new demands open new dimensions in human nature.? In honoring these, it esteems what works over what was, even if doing so means modifying its stance to advance organizational success and employee well-being.
A prolific author and passionate speaker, Joel Bryant helps individuals and organizations achieve greatness.