Progression is Regression
Yossi Marchette
Art Market Innovator| Empowering artists, collectors, and galleries through education and digital transformation
The world has gone nuts no one stands for anything anymore there are no values and no one stands for anything.
the current president has been deemed too senile to stand trial for the things he committed but somehow he is still fit to execute the duties of this office on the other hand trump is put on trial for a seeming lack of faculty.
the art world isn't doing much better Thousands of artists ask Venice Biennale to exclude 'genocidal' Israel over Gaza war | The Times of Israel
totally out of control they have no idea what they are talking about They only listen to what their social media feed tells the and have no connection with reality. they aren't crazy they are merely reflecting the absolute lack of any moral standard that exists in today's society.
the very fact that someone could protest artists' inclusion in a fair of creative expression for no good reason other than they watch too much Hamas propaganda I think they call it " Bollywood"
what happened to searching for meaning in life where did focus and appreciation for what the world around us has to offer, much of society today is pursuing self-gratification and mindless pursuits that have no purpose.
then there are no standards and whatever suits the fancy of pursuing the total eradication of wholesome existence and meaningful life.
no one seems to care about standards, family meaning has been abolished the feminist disease has destroyed thousands of families in the name of so-called equality but that has no place in reality, no partnership is one hundred percent equal, there is one who is more in the lead and there is the supportive partner, neither one is more or less important, everyone has a role, just as a great man once said the same rule applies in the air force if the pilot would try to switch places with the mechanic in the name of feeling better they would both be court martial for insubordination, they may feel better but everyone has their role, just as in the army the quartermaster may have a supportive role at the same time the army can not function without the basics taken care of otherwise there would be disarray.
Life is the same thing everyone has a role and in that way, everyone contributes what the other is lacking, and together leads to a complete unit. there are women out there complaining that they are misunderstood when they want to run a business and not just their family, they are trying to evade the role that they are most suited for this is not degrading, if they can be there for their family and also run a business that fine.
the art world is in disarray, out there curators are trying to break down all social, moral, and just barriers in the pursuit of all immoral and illicit pleasures that exist in the world, and then there are so-called artists who promote abomination and get away with it, this is not art.
marriage has been destroyed they try to force men to do what women want( so much for equality) they claim that the reason and the purpose for marriage is for women to get their material desires met, this is what is called fish love Rabbi Twerski On Love – Rabbi Abraham J. Twerski (
marriage has to be built on a common goal and shared objective, there can not be a business arrangement called what can I get out of the other person, it is important to try to accommodate the things that men and women think are important but that is not the reason for marriage, together a marriage can raise a family to be upright and upstanding members of society and this is only possible through the unique contributions of the mother and the father. feminists have created this idea that they don't need men anymore and then they end up hurting themselves as they don't have a husband's emotional stability to rely on, this creates a healthy balance in marriage. the open access to all the pleasures in the world hasn't built more stable people, families, or connections it has only driven the divorce rate. As our sages once said someone who pursues pleasure in a forbidden way will be prevented from accessing it in a permissible way. what is meaningful is not available to the public what is important is personal, open everywhere has degraded our society to the point where there is so little humanity left.
what in the world are they thinking pro Hamas isn't about lacking knowledge of what is happening in the world, these people simply have no idea what they are doing nor do they care, they simply are following the crowd and what they see on their social media page. setting up a display with a video of the October 7 atrocities won't necessarily make them wake up, it isn't knowledge they lack.
we need to bring meaning back to life we need to bring insight into life, we need to bring creative expression back to life, we need to bring value back to life, we need to bring the focus back to life, this is possible. It can be done, change is hard and we have no choice, what kind of a future do we want to leave our children what do we want our lives to look like meaningful existence full of mutual efforts to make the world a better place or "eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow you may die" the way to this is by looking at the art world the current state of the art world is that creative expression isn't only not acknowledged it is rejected, most curators are busy with so-called social experiments and pushing social boundaries, this is not art. "art is social commentary" a quote from DovBer Marchette we must look long and hard at the state of the art world to see a reflection of the challenges our society is facing and what we are missing to lead a more meaningful existence. if we want to change the focus we must shift the mirror then and only then can we rebalance our lives and bring about a better tomorrow, art is the mirror in the world and by turning the energy into the mirror we can shine out to the world a better more meaningful tomorrow.
we can do this by acknowledging DovBer Marchette for holding onto creative expression from a time in the 70s and 80s when the idea was at the forefront of creative expression, at that time in the art insitutue of Boston (then professor Barry Marchette) created a new movement called Pura ( the purity of the object is the idea in itself) we can bring this idea back, this time on a global level Angelo Fertitta was a important step in that process in those days and he deserves tremendous credit for standing up for what's right at a time when others didn't have the courage, not in Italy and on a global level DovBer Marchette the torch bearer of a time when creativity was strong will lead us into a new era where creativity will rule again and then together we can make a brighter future, DovBer Marchette will have historic value for turning the art world on it's head in the way that Warhol did, only this time the value will be many times more important in bringing back creative expression instead of crushing it.
creativity will rule once again coming soon at a gallery near you
au reviour I appreciate every one of you, change is difficult, and each individual united collectively has the power to make a difference.
the next step in a new tomorrow will take place in Montecatini Terme (Pt) at Palazzo Turismo in Sala Leon Cavallo. May 25- June 20 where fabrizio sorbi will be speaking on creative expression and Marchette's unique contribution to the process of the three things that matter most " Concept, Context Content"