A Progression With Purpose

A Progression With Purpose

See Every post in the Setlist Checklist Series

Have you ever finished a worship set but it seemed to fall flat? Why is that?

Each song was carefully chosen.

The band was well-rehearsed.

The transitions were smooth.

But still, when you finished singing something felt disjointed and incomplete.

Flow Is King

If you've come up as a worship leader during the contemporary worship movement you know at least one thing. Flow is king. Fluidly gliding from song to song is the all-important goal. Song Key, Tempo, and Time signature take top priority when choosing the order of your songs.

But this thinking is backward. A progression with purpose is much more important. Musical flow is helpful and achievable, but ordering your songs with a progression in mind is the place to start.

Different Kinds Of Song

Every song we sing in church is typically called a "worship" song. And while it's true that we are worshipping God through each song we sing, I've found it helpful to categorize songs a little more specifically.


Gathering songs act as a call to worship. Similar to the Psalms of Ascent, their purpose is to begin turning our hearts toward our King. They may state the purpose of our gathering, encourage us to sing aloud, or invite the Spirit of God to meet us.


Songs of praise are often upbeat and celebratory. They declare what God has done. His mighty acts. His marvelous deeds.


Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:19 both tell us to sing to one another. This is where we encourage one another. Testimony songs speak of the love and faithfulness of God toward us. We tell one another what a mighty God we serve. Musically, these songs could either be upbeat or more slow and anthemic.


Songs of response give us the opportunity to sing to the Lord about ourselves. Thanksgiving, Commitment, Devotion, Confession, and Repentance are all ways we can sing in response to what God has done.


If songs of praise declare what God has done, then songs of worship declare who God is. These are songs of pure ascription. Nothing about ourselves or what God has done for us. We simply worship God for who He is. Immortal, invisible, God only wise.

Thinking of songs in these terms helps up order or gatherings in thoughtful and meaningful ways.

The Tabernacle Model

The Old Testament Tabernacle provides a helpful outline for planning our progression.

1. The Ascent

A call to worship through song, Scripture or spoken encouragement.

2. The Gate

Thanksgiving (Psalm 100:4)




3. The Courtyard

The place where the individual joins a community. Songs or elements of God's faithfulness. A time to tell one another what God has done for us. (Psalm 145:4)

4. The Holy Place

The place where we prepare to encounter God. Songs or elements of response, confession, devotion, and communion.

5. The Holy of Holies

Vertical Worship. Pure Ascription.

You'll notice that this progression follows the song categories outlined above.

In part one of this Setlist Checklist series, I share the importance of a vertical destination. Getting to the place where we're singing pure ascription to the Lord. If your worship services are falling flat it's probably because you never arrive in this place of vertical worship.

The Gospel Model

Another model of ordering our service is retelling the Gospel story.

Zack Hicks gives us a simple, three-movement outline in his book, The Worship Pastor.

  • The Glory of God
  • The Gravity of Sin
  • The Grandeur of Grace

In Rhythms of Grace, Mike Cosper offers this format:

  • Creation - Call to worship, Praise & Adoration
  • The Fall - Confession, Lament
  • Redemption - Words of assurance, Greeting, Pastoral Prayer
  • Consummation - Communion, Commitment, Benediction

Bryan Chapell's Christ-Centered Worship offers a similar progression

  • Adoration
  • Confession
  • Assurance
  • Thanksgiving
  • Petition
  • Instruction
  • Charge
  • Blessing

Put It All Together

I've used and enjoyed both the Tabernacle and Gospel models. But they're just models. A helpful structure to hang the real substance. There is no perfect formula - and worship should never be formulaic - but our leading must be thoughtful and intentional.

Let me give a few examples of a three-song setlist.

Song 1 - Testimony

Song 2 - Response

Song 3 - Response

We begin by singing to one another about ourselves (what God has done for me) and end singing about ourselves again (what we will do for Him). This worship service will fall flat.

Song 1 - Praise

Song 2 - Praise

Song 3 - Testimony

We're off to a good start but don't finish well. We never reach pure ascription. This set will fall flat as well.

Song 1 - Praise

Song 2 - Response

Song 3 - Worship

This is an excellent setlist. We start with God. Respond to what He's done with our devotion. And finally, we simply worship Him for who He is.

If you're tired of getting blank stares from your church as you jump from one song to another choose a progression with purpose. I guarantee you'll notice a difference right away.


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