Progress update: Heat source architecture and Stirling converter
Work package led by 原子力? 代替エネルギー庁
The goal of PULSAR's second work package, Heat Source Architecture and Stirling Converter, consists on defining a preliminary conceptual design of the energy converter (Stirling engine) associated to its radioisotope heat source.
With regards to the heat source, a first CAD design has been established at the end of the first year of the project. A state of the art and a comparison between possible conversion technologies have been drafted and, among these technologies, a focus has been made on the Stirling engine converters. At this stage, the architecture and the interfacing between the heat source and two Stirling engines on the opposite sides of the heat source has been defined (see figure). The temperature field within and around the heat source has been calculated.
The next step will be to simulate the system heat source/engine/radiator in order to assess its performances and to provide a preliminary design.