Government Puts Safety First
Progress is Impossible Without Change: In the past 15 years, Victoria has experienced 22 toddler deaths, plus more than 60 toddlers left with a permanent brain injury, after accidents in backyard pools and spas.
Drowning is the most common cause of death from injury in children aged 1 to 4 - pools and spas are where most of these fatalities occur.
One can only feel ill contemplating what's worse, a fatality or the permanent brain damage of a child. These tragedies affect parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents, extended family and friends - the ripples extend to thousands of Victorians every year.
- Most drownings occur in yards without correctly maintained barriers, or where there is no fence at all.
- The majority of Victorian pool fences aren’t compliant with Victorian law. Councils randomly inspect pool fences - 80 to 100% fail. Self-regulation of pool fences clearly does not work.
- Most toddlers who die gain access to the body of water through a non-compliant gate.
Successful experiences elsewhere prove that this traumatic situation is largely preventable, or in the least, can be significantly reduced. To prevent drownings, we need mandatory independent inspections of all pools and spas.
Importantly, most non-compliant fences simply need adjustment to the gate, which can be done by the homeowner at no cost. Don't listen to sensationalist media commentators getting in a flap about the cost to inspect the fence. To put things in perspective, a modest Victorian pool installation costs around $35,000. Add another $20,000 for the typical fence, decking and landscaping. Then add around $800 each year to maintain the pool. Is a few hundred dollars - once every three years for a fence inspection – unaffordable?
We also need to accept there will likely be frustrating system glitches as the new pool fence regulations are rolled out. There will also be interpretations of the new regulations that will cause angst to a minority of those fortunate enough to own a pool or spa. Everybody accepts that car owners have an obligation to keep their vehicles roadworthy. We need to start thinking the same way about pools and spas.
In 1970, the Victorian government was the first in the world to introduce compulsory seat belts. At the time, the proposed legislation was passionately protested by some who complained about a loss of civil liberty, others of the possibility of being trapped in a burning vehicle. This anger was dialled down quickly after a dramatic, and permanent, reduction in death, injury and family devastation. Within 14 months all Australian states followed suit, followed by most of the Western world.
The Premier, Minister and VBA should be heartily congratulated for keeping our kids safe.
By Brendan Watkins
Past-CEO Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Victoria (2006-18) & CEO Swimming Pool & Spa Association of Australia (2013-14)
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