Progress & Development is not Possible Until Modifications are Made:
Muhammad Rizwan-ul Haque
Founding Chairman, Dawood Family Takaful, CEO of an Investment Bank and Director of a Trust
(1) Introduction: As long as we continue to blindly follow and fantasize the conventional theories (especially that of economic & political systems), we will remain off the track.
(2) What Needs to be Done? The need of the hour is to redesign our curriculums in light of Shariah, so that tomorrow’s generation is better well-versed than ourselves. Otherwise, they will also grope in darkness. The first step in this regard should be to revamp our economic and political systems strictly as per message of Quran & Sunnah.
(3) Create Awareness: We need to repeatedly vocalize that instead of unjust systems of capitalism & democracy; Islam teaches the lesson of ‘equality & justice’.
(4) Capitalism: The corporate culture and the financial world are just the opposite of equality & justice as it continues to strive on; personal gains, selfishness and to astutely acquire more & more by meagerly distributing to the others.
(5) Household, Company or a Country: There is no difference; all the three have to ensure to live within the limited means. Just like, we do not borrow to run household expenses, because we know that tomorrow it will result in bankruptcy and sale of personal assets. Similarly, a country shouldn’t borrow to justify non-productive sumptuous expenditure.
(6) Democracy: This system is ensuring that the masses and their future generations are enslaved forever. While the ruling families and cronies enjoy all luxuries of lives and by making personal investments outside the country from the looted money.
(7) View of Socrates on Democracy: The great Greek philosopher, while criticizing the theory of one man, one vote once questioned that will we ever choose the majority (or sailors) to steer a ship caught in a storm? Or will we tie our hopes with the most competent person on-board i.e. the captain, who may not have a large support or the following?
The following modest pieces may further elaborate the view points of this humble soul in light of Quran & Sunnah. Indeed, Allah SWT knows best.
(8) Legislature, Judiciary and Executive, Re. Surah An-Nisa:
(9) ‘Islamic Banking & Finance’ (IB&F) is Biggest Hurdle in Implementing the True System:
(10) Letter To Justice (R) Mualana Taqi Usmani Sb.
(11) Election or Selection; Re. Democracy and a New Selection System: ttps://
May Allah SWT help & guide us all towards the straight & truthful path (Aameen).