Shiv Kumar Singh
Chairman Theatres and Anaesthesia Speciality Audit and Improvement Lead Regional Anaesthesia Lead
Just this week I was teaching on a US Course and during the lunch break sitting with other faculty. One of the faculty had recently been to one of the RA meetings, she was so taken a back by “hero worshiping” and the “Echo Chambers” that existed in the RA (faculty) community. I wasn’t surprised at all as I see the behaviour esp on X (Twitter). I have been blocked by some of this gang members when I questioned them and their techniques.
THIS BEHAVIOUR ISN’T NEW AND NEITHER UNCOMMON Within social psychology the concept of self-segregation has been known for a long time. This concept refers to the process of people forming groups with other like-minded people around a set of ideas or beliefs and distance themselves from contrary ideas. In these groups these ideas and beliefs are not only constantly shared but also amplified. The latter is made possible by the lack of correcting and moderating influences within these groups. If they are there, they are generally quickly silenced.
?THIS IS HOW RADICALISATION, AND LACK OF PROGRESS HAPPEN This type of processes has existed for as long as we can remember. People have always formed groups around religious and ideological ideas. The existence of these groups can lead to radicalization of its members. Within the group we keep on hearing the same ideas and we hardly ever hear them criticized. Whomever disagrees does not really belong to the group. Like I have mentioned, when I questioned particular individuals about certain nerve blocks using US, I was first asked “how many papers? have you published?” and when I told them about my publications, immediate response was “ these are not high impact journals”. I know for sure that I have been conducting US guided blocks much before these guys even started holding a probe in their hands but experience doesn’t count for them. I have 100s of videos of my blocks that are free to be viewed on my channels to be scrutinised. I perform live blocks on the workshops. May be that is what scares them, they block you immediately on social media because you can catch the “bull…” they may be propagating.
With the rise of social media it has become easier than ever to form these groups of like-minded people. These types of groups on social media are called “echo chambers”. On social media like X, Facebook etc, ?we have the tendency to seek information which confirms our views and people who agree with us.
The existence of echo chambers can lead to strong negative emotions, both within the echo chamber in which we constantly reaffirm how idiotic the other party is and outside of the echo chamber when members of different echo chambers suddenly meet and when they feel like they're facing the 'enemy'. Echo chambers fulfill our need to be affirmed in our feeling of being right but we may have to pay a high price for them.
How can we prevent ever growing polarization? I think that becoming aware of what echo chambers are and how they can be harmful can be a good first step. Once we know this we can consciously try to develop a certain openness to people who think fundamentally different. This requires us to,
1.???? Not be too afraid of examining other people's views and argumentation and of discovering that our own views may not be fully defensible.
2.???? Also, it requires that we examine our own views and argumentation carefully and try to clarify them in a way that will not directly threaten or offend other people.
This may be much harder than it sounds because we are automatically inclined to seek the company of like-minded people and avoid other-minded people. Staying in contact with the latter requires effort and self-control. We'd better realize that this effort is worthwhile considering the dangers of echo chambers.
Neuroanaesthesiologist and Neurocritical Care specialist. Anaesthesiologist. Emergency Medicine Physician.
5 个月Cognitive dissonance seems to be at play here. Sometimes it's very difficult for some people to change their viewpoint after being given evidence contrary to their beliefs.