Programming is Like Training Horses!
Christine Till
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Back in the day when I was on the ranch, we trained our own cow ponies. It was referred to as "we broke horses."
Sometimes they broke us!
I mean literally.
I have been bucked off horses, kicked by horses and dragged by horses.
Needless to say there are a few scars, so to show for it.
Do you ever ride horses?
Have you ever had to "break" a horse?
If you haven't, it is great fun!
Well...most of the time.
Sometimes it didn't matter what we did when we were working with a horse, they had a stubborn streak ...especially if the horse had not been gelded and was a stud.
Studs can be very head-strong and sly foxes.
They have only one thing in mind...need I say more?
Well, this one 9 year old work horse was part Belgian and part Quarter horse.
He was a good 16 hands high and had just recently been gelded...castrated.
That does something to a male horse.?
They get all sassy and snorty!
Well, I was told that this horse could never be broke because he could never be trusted on account of his temperament.
All was going well, though.
I calmed him down and saddled and bridled him and rode him around the corral many times without any challenges.
This horse seemed like he would end up being a great cow pony...but he was waaayyy bigger than the rest of the cow ponies.
So the day came when I took him out to check the cattle and ride fence to check for any broken wires.
We always had barbed wire fences with sturdy wooden, treated posts.
We were doing great until...
I just nudged him ever so slightly with the heels of my riding boots to start climbing a hill.
Next thing I knew, the hired man was picking me up from the ground and I saw my horse standing a few yards away eating grass as if nothing had happened!
The hired man drove me to the hospital to get checked out for concussion and broken bones.
I don't know what happened to the horse.
When I got home from the hospital, the horse was gone!
Nobody said a word...
...But I think that he got sent to the "glue factory!"
The buck of that horse almost killed me.
I share this with you because there are many things in life that we are uncertain of, but we try them anyway...without really testing them thoroughly enough before using them.
-Like apps on the internet.
Before an app can be launched, it needs to be tested many times and many, many ways first.
Have you ever been involved with an app launch?
I also have two sons who are programmers.
They tell me stories of app development.
It takes time to produce a great app!
I have heard many stories of how these programs take many, many hours of work thinking, planning and creating algorithms that will work together with what's already been created.
It is a little like sewing a new dress.
You have material, scissors, thread and a pattern to follow before you can start to assemble the garment.
The same is with programming.
You also need material, tools and a pattern to follow.
However, when the pattern needs to also be created from scratch, it takes waayy longer to complete the finished product.
The same goes for apps.
Business today is all about apps.
There is an app for almost everything you can think of online.
Now that we also have GPS, apps are tracking everything that moves for data collection.
Did you know that MasterCard and American Express stand to make over 2.4 Billion dollars selling our data this year?
And you and I will never receive a penny of that money!
56% of the apps on our phones are tracking us right now!
Count how many apps you have on your phone.
The average phone has 80 apps downloaded on it.
Mind-blowing isn't it!
Wishing you success!
Christine Till