The Programmatic Programmer: How to Learn with the Perfect Aim
A few months ago, I had a friend. Let’s call him Tim. Tim is always working on something new, he may be learning algorithms, practicing security, testing tens of different tools, taking courses. He is all into learning, yet he lacks any real progress. Even after all his work, he still keeps jumping between “Hello world” and loops in different languages.
Then I had another friend, let’s call him James. James has a very strict schedule; he is at a senior position but yet he spends a few minutes learning daily. Just before Tim secured his promotion to a senior level, I received a shocking news; James is about to start working at the biggest software company in the country.
We all have these friends, trying to learn and improve. As software engineers, we all need to learn and improve continuously. But just allocating time for learning isn’t enough, we also need to focus on what to learn.
Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today. – Malcolm X
What’s your Mission?
Several books have been written about goal setting, yes, it’s that important. While I can’t give a comprehensive overview of goal-setting process, here is a simple process that I often use to decide goals for myself:
And that’s it, now you have a clear guideline of what must you do in this week, for exampling, “Complete the first lecture of some course” or “solve 3 easy problems on Leet Code”.
Work on what matters!
You may feel that spending an hour a day is all it takes to become the programmatic programmer, but unless you have a clear direction, you will just be wasting your time. Remember to focus on what is required to achieve your goals.
Trying to learn Ruby is not so useful, unless your dream company still maintains legacy projects. Learning Python is more useful if you wish to work at startups or machine learning. Learning data science is not useful for software engineering. You have to think about your own goals to decide what are the best technologies for you.
Determine your Own Path
Let’s walk through a simple exercise to design your goals and create your aim.
The best way to predict the future is to create it – Peter Ducker
And that’s it, follow the exercise and determine your goals. Once you find your aim, you won’t believe how easy it is to stay on track, and to achieve more than you ever thought was possible. This is the pathway used by me and dozens of successful people (note the space between me and success) to achieve our dreams and improve every day, in the right direction.
If you feel stuck, please contact me and I will help you create a clear aim and a steady pathway. Email: [email protected] LinkedIn:
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