Program your Dreams.
Do you really think that dreams are a mere coincidence? Isn't it odd that one dreams of becoming a global peacemaker while another dreams of becoming a writer? Your dreams are a glimpse into the power, possibility, and truth of your being.
One of the incredible gifts of dreams is that they can be programmed to respond to our desires. If you were asked to focus on your life as you want it to be--RIGHT NOW--you would have the ability to visualize your ideal life.?With practice, you would be able to arrive at your dream state in minimal time, with all of the texture and emotion of a true life experience.?Your brain and body respond to your command; they are unable to discern fantasy from "reality." You can literally use dream states to improve your emotional and physical condition.
Today, take a moment to dream yourself into your highest possible vision of yourself. See yourself as you will be when you have reached your highest possible potential. How does it feel? How do others see you? How do they respond to you? How does this exercise increase the productivity of your day?
Success or sabotage??Success begins as a dream and eventually crosses the bridge to our "reality."
Is this going to be an incredible day? What is your dream for today?