Program Spotlight: Peer Mentoring
Peer Mentoring students group photo from Games Night

Program Spotlight: Peer Mentoring

Written by Tess Wilkens - Transition and Success Project Officer

The Monash University Peer Mentoring program has kicked off in Semester 2 with some exciting events and activities across our Faculty programs!

This program is designed to support first year students to transition into university life by immersing them into a welcoming and inclusive community. Students build valuable social connections and networks through their mentoring groups and student-run events and initiatives.

Orientation week saw the Peer Mentoring program run hubs across all campuses, and embedded into faculty Orientation events. These events helped to inform and connect new students from the very beginning of their journey at Monash, ensuring students can confidently approach the first few weeks of university with the help of a peer mentor. This semester we have almost 600 first year mentees enrolled into the program supported by 200 dedicated mentors. We thank our faculty stakeholders and colleagues across Monash campuses, who helped support our program and mentors during Orientation week.

Our peer-to-peer catch ups have been running throughout the semester to anchor mentees with knowledgeable mentors over 4 catch ups. Catch-up 1 and 2 have been delivered with Catch-up 3 just around the corner! These sessions explore navigating around campus and university systems such as Moodle and WES, introducing mentees to vital support services around the University as well as the diverse student clubs and societies. Catch up 3 and 4 will further explore tips and tricks for studying and preparing for final assessments.

We are looking forward to our upcoming all faculty social event where all students will have the opportunity to connect over games, food and collaborative activities!


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