Program managing to clarity..
Having had a fair share of programs to manage at work, and then some at home, and the learning I have had, observing good program managers at close quarters, I was thinking that this was a good time as any, to unravel the secrets to a good program management.. So here goes...
You always realize, while managing a program, that you were not there when the plan was formulated, and you are coming in to play a catch up game.. And remember "catch up programs" have their fair share of guilt and past sins that come along with it.. So how does one navigate when caught in midstream of such programs? Well, there is only one way ahead! "Keep looking forward! Take a step every day to progress on". Never look back. There is precious time lost, defending, arguing, finding out who had it right, and who had it wrong. The best thing a good program manager could do in such tight situations, is to understand the problem at hand, and try to make it better day by day.
Often times programs are about assembling the best talents and teams at hand. But remember this again, assembling a new team in a hectic program is similar to repairing a moving vehicle speeding at 100 miles per hour. So how do you then build the right team that would resolve the problems? "Take any help that comes along the way. Take the good, better, best". Often times such programs have too many activities that need to be delivered and monitored at the same time. So never shy away from asking and taking help. And as you move along, figure out the strengths and weakness of every team member on the program and use them effectively
A lot of times, programs are murky, since the status reported and the progress made is not trusted enough. So to start with, "Build trust with stakeholders". Building trust most often involves setting up an initial commitment, and then delivering through on them. It includes providing transparency of the progress, and being open to sharing modifications, setbacks and recovery plans
Programs succeed when the experts get talking. Many a times, programs fail, only because people think that you are either over estimating or underestimating the complexity, scope or business significance. So the best way to run a program, is to get "an expert talking". Ensure that the expert conveys and confides in the stakeholders, and lays out a plan of how the program is going to meet the end goals. This surely paves the way for success, without getting lost in everyday noises, and chasing red flags that may not be the most important things on the program
While there are many more traits to make a program succeed, the one most important behavior that guarantees that a program win is trusting the team that toils. Unduly exerting too much pressure, ignoring the voices of the team ground up, and thinking that the efforts put in by them are not good enough when the team is toiling upwards of 12 hours a day does not help the team morale. So if a program has to succeed, give space to the team, let them give it their best shots, while as a manager, you augment their efforts in every way possible, steering the team towards the end goal..
Sounds familiar? What has been your experiences as a program manager? Would love to hear your views as well.