Profound Professional Interview with Sheri Berke, the Reinvention Coach and Author, Helping Others Reinvent their Finances, Vision of Freedom & Life
I had the honor of interviewing the Reinvention Coach and Author, Sheri Berke. Sheri is the bestselling author of ‘Everything I Learned About Life I Learned on Vacation’. As a financial specialist, over the last 30+ years, Sheri has impacted small businesses to well-known companies such as Boeing. Sheri holds an MBA from the University of Southern California and is also a former CPA.
Having experienced bankruptcy early on to then be able to bounce back to financial success, she is dedicated to helping others reinvent their finances, vision of freedom and life.
Here are some of the best ways to reach Sheri:
You can grab her book here: Everything I Learned About Life I Learned on Vacation
And the cause that Sheri shared with us today is Alzheimer's Research. She had immediate family members who passed away from the disease. For her, Alzheimer's is a sad disease that rubs people off their past. So having the opportunity to influence through contributions and discussions that research gets done so younger generations might not have to get locked into that is such a gift.
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