The Profound Magic of Awakening to Your True Self
If you are ready to awaken, then awaken you shall. And if you are not ready, you shall remain in the slumber of your own making, pretending to be a poor, helpless creature.
But here you are, engaged in this inquiry, reading these words, and I assume that you are in the process of awakening. Or perhaps you are simply flirting with the idea, teasing yourself with the possibility, but not yet ready to commit.
Either way, I assume that you are sincere, if not serious, about discovering who you truly are. And so, as you move towards this awakening, you begin to realize that you are not simply a puppet, a mere vessel through which life moves.
No, you are something far greater. You are the entire universe in motion, the wave that is part of the ocean. You are not a separate entity, but rather a part of the whole, connected to everything and everyone.
And so, when you leave this physical form behind, you need not fear the eternal darkness, for that is not an experience that can be had. Instead, you will continue to exist in a different form, experiencing the next chapter of your journey, just as you did when you were born into this world.
Think about that for a moment. What was it like to wake up after having never gone to sleep? That is the experience that awaits you once again, as you shed this physical body and move on to the next phase of your existence.
But even as you contemplate this, know that you are not alone. You are part of a vast network of beings, scattered throughout the galaxies, and yet all connected as one.
You are them, and they are you, all experiencing different aspects of the same universal journey. And as each one of them is born, you are born once again, experiencing life through their eyes, their senses, and their memories.
It is a wondrous, magical thing, this existence that we share, and yet we take it for granted every day. We forget that we are a part of something so much larger than ourselves, that we are capable of things we cannot even begin to imagine.
But the truth is, we are all incredibly complex creatures, capable of creating and experiencing in ways that defy logic and reason. And we do it all without even realizing it, as easily as we breathe or shine the sun.
So let us embrace this magic, this mystery of life, and let us awaken to our true selves, to the infinite possibilities that lie within us all.
~ These are thoughts by Alan Watts presented to you