Profitable Coaching Goals for 2023 !
Coach Preeti Muzumdar
LinkedIn Trainer | Helping Professionals & Businesses generate Organic Leads on LinkedIn |Digital Organic Growth Strategist | LinkedIn SEO | Goldman Sachs 10k Fellow | |Author | Keynote Speaker
“Decide what you want, and then act as if it were impossible to fail.” - Victor Kiam
Its the time of the year when we start introspecting, mulling over what we did in the past year and what we did not ! Fill ourselves with regret mostly for not doing as much as we want to or not earned as much as we would have liked to. Ok you need to stop now !! Rewind and change that language of your internal conversation and relook at the entire process with a new positive mindset. This entire goal setting business is stressful, exciting mostly aspirational. So this year lets do it differently - let us set goals and go beyond also set a mechanism on how we will achieve.
The first rule you need to follow in goal setting is ensuring that you don't expect guarantees for your goals to be achieved. Make sure you set expectations with yourself and everyone around you.
Don't pray for outcomes - pray for opportunities and work to ensure that you have a rock solid plan that will make sure that you put your best foot forward to get positive outcomes from the opportunities presented to you.
The coaching business is booming. It's a great choice for anyone who wants to take control of their life, get more clients and make more money. But if you want to be successful in this industry, there are certain goals that you should set for yourself in order to achieve ultimate success as a coach or trainer. In this article we will discuss 4 profitable coaching business goals that will help push your business into the next level!
Goal #1: Earn more - become profitable than ever before.
The first goal is to earn more profitable than ever before. You'll be able to get clients quickly, keep them longer and charge more per hour. The secret for making this happen is to ensure that you price your products fittingly. Do not be afraid to charge your worth and learn to say no to low paying or customers who are bargaining with you.
You will be able to make more money in the same amount of time as you used to because your coaching business will be operating at a higher level than it's ever been before. This means that you'll have more clients than ever before, and they'll stay longer with you as well!
When this happens, there are huge benefits for everyone involved: Your clients benefit because they're getting great coaching without having to hire multiple coaches or trainers; You benefit because your income increases by doing what you love; And finally - other coaches benefit from being able to refer their clients directly into jobs with the best coaches in their field instead of wasting time managing their own part-time businesses on top of theirs (which takes away from their ability to do quality work)
Goal #2: Get more leads than ever before.
Your second goal should focus on gathering as many leads as possible. And this is where most coaching businesses get stuck: they try to do everything themselves, and end up frustrated because they don't have a strategy that's working. It's important not only to get leads, but also the right ones.
The best way to make sure you're getting the right kind of leads is by focusing on what you're offering them, who it will help and why your potential clients/customers would want it in the first place. Once you've clarified this information, go ahead and develop a marketing plan based around these points. This will take some time and effort—but it'll be worth it!
Consider finding ways to promote yourself in places where your ideal customers could find out about you organically through their daily lives or through social media platforms.
Remember the secret to get more leads is more reach and more channels! And its a number game - the more leads you have - more the chances of conversion! and you certainly cannot depend on any one source for leads.
Goal #3: Higher conversion more money for less work !
If you have a coaching business, it is essential that you know your target audience and what they want. Your job is to give them what they want or help them understand why they need what they want.
Your audience will become part of your community on social media, at events and in real life; but first, they need to buy into what you are offering.
If you want to have a higher conversion ratio ensure you are talking to the right audience and also able to communicate with confidence about the value proposition. When your customer is convinced that they will get more for the money they are investing, you wont need much convincing!
Goal #4: Have your clients stay longer than ever before.
The average client retention rate for coaches and trainers is about 62%. However, there are some things you can do to improve this number. One of the best ways to do this is by reaching out to your clients after their initial coaching or training session. You should try sending one e-mail or text a week after they’ve finished so they can come back and tell you what their results were like. If you have time, call them as well! This keeps your name in their mind, which will make it easier when it comes time for them to book another appointment with you again later down the road (or maybe even right away).
In order to keep your clients longer than ever before, it helps if they truly see change happening in their lives because of working with you—this will encourage them not only stay longer but also bring friends along with them! It's important when starting out as an entrepreneur trying something new like coaching or training others on skills such as public speaking that we remember what attracted us in first place: helping others succeed through whatever means possible so together we can live happier lives too :)
You will be able to accomplish all these goals, you just need to know how to get there.
As a bonus I am going to help you with a simple technique called the LOTUS bloom technique you can use to break down your goals. The lotus blossom method is a brainstorming technique that involves building ideas around a central goal and then breaking them down into deeper smaller goals/tasks to achieve them. For Eg - Your primary goal is to get more leads, the smaller goals as part of this would be to have social media presence, networking, more live events, attending more conferences etc
Lotus Bloom Technique
It's actually pretty simple: if you want more clients, you need a business plan and a marketing strategy. If you want more money and freedom, then you need to know your numbers (and make sure they are in place). If you want more time with friends and family, then focus on creating systems that will allow this.
In other words: before any work gets done in the coaching world or in any other field - whether it is coaching or anything else - it needs a plan and you need a community that works as an accountability partner, you needed constant learning and course correction and more . You need something that helps guide your activities so that they are aligned with where you want them to go.
I hope that this article has helped you to decide on your goals and understand how they work. If we can help with any of these three goals - let us know! At TLC Masterminds we help you launch, grow and scale your coaching business. For more details visit Coach Preeti?
Founder VtransformU. Trainer- English language proficiency, Spoken English. Communication skills, Soft skills and Personal image. Also a certified Online English Language Trainer and a Content developer
1 年Exactly!! Dean n take action. Do something everyday towards your dream