Is this a profile of a USD 60/hr Executive Coach ?
As we move towards a world of falling prices, vanishing boundaries, diffused job descriptions and matrix structures, I foresee a world of Executive Coaching - which is affordable, is expertise driven, outcome based and has a low set up time.
Executive Coaches who will be fitting this profile are those :
a) Who love Coaching TRULY.
b) For whom Coaching is not the MEANS to run their kitchen.
c) Who have multiple JUGGLING ACTS to keep them fired up.
d) Who are comfortable with LESS as against MORE (information about the Coachee).
e) Who are skilled in helping the Coachee in LESS than 15mins.
Remuneration : USD 60 per hour
Location : Anywhere
Reporting Manager : Yourself
Growth prospects : The coach can be an evangelist for a movement, where the best is yet to come.
LIGHTBULB MOMENTS CONSULTING offers OD Consulting, Assessments and Executive Coaching to clients in India and outside. Please visit us at