Profile Piece
Ashish Prabhu
Helping to improve awareness of disability, equality and diversity issues through journalism.
I'll never forget the time I was about to take my options at school. We were having subject presentations in order to help us choose the subjects that we'd study at GCSE level that would hopefully lead us on to sixth form and then university. There were so many subjects to choose from so I kept my eyes and ears open for one that interested me and that I felt I'd be good at in a career. As soon as I heard the presentation for media Studies, I knew that this was an area I wanted to study further and go in to a career in.
Whilst doing the course, we had to take part and complete lots of media related activities, the first of which was producing magazine/newspaper articles. I already had a fair bit of experience in this from times in English Language lessons where we had to produce pieces of original writing, so I was able to easily produce a number of articles around real life, every day subjects.
Another task we had to complete was producing pint advertisements for a made up product. This was slightly harder as we had to think of a brand new product which wasn't a replica of another and had a unique selling point. In the end I decided to design a new soft drink which was pineapple and mandarin flavour. Thankfully we didn't have to come up with a recipe, but we did have to design the packaging and an example of a logo. It was really hard to come up with a logo that didn't use any elements of existing logos but in the end I went with one that was actually quite successful.
The final task we had to complete on the course was to produce a demo tape which had an audio advertisement, an example of a news bulletin that we'd script and record and an audio interview that we'd conduct with someone we knew and felt comfortable with. They didn't have to be famous.
On completing this course, I realised this was something I was really good at so I decided I'd like to go in to a career in the media/journalism field so I picked my next courses with that view. I completed an AVCE in Media Communication and Production and then a Post Graduate Diploma in Journalism. I then registered my self as self employed and formed my own business/company so I could make my self stand out from the crowd. I also had to advertise my business so had to look for viable ways of doing this. I have been nominated for a few different awards so it seems like people think I'm good at what I do. It makes me feel good knowing this and I look forward to seeing what future tasks and challenges come up in my career.