In Profile: CREDIT Technology Gateway
Enterprise Ireland Technology Gateway Network
Network of 17 Technology Gateways run in partnership with Technological Universities and Institutes of Technology.
CREDIT Technology Gateway based at Dundalk Institute of Technology is an interdisciplinary research centre which provides world class technical expertise for SMEs and larger organisations in the field of Wind & Distributed Energy; Zero Carbon & Energy Optimisation; and Energy Integration. The Gateway is fast becoming a vital part of Ireland’s energy and renewables research and innovation landscape actively supporting business and industry to become more competitive facilitated through problem solving, targeted R&D, innovation and enabling faster adoption of emerging technologies and processes to create new markets in the low and zero carbon sector.
What expertise is available at CREDIT?
CREDIT Gateway has expertise in Wind & Distributed Energy; Zero Carbon & Energy Optimisation; and Energy Integration. The Gateway enables companies to explore product innovation, source applied research opportunities and technology solutions for their ‘close-to-market’ needs. CREDIT is dedicated to supporting Irish business and industry sector to accelerate innovation by providing access to dedicated funding programmes that can help test new ideas, share know how and support entry onto new markets.
What type of companies do CREDIT collaborate with?
The Gateway provides access to R&D solutions for all types of industry, with a particular focus on helping start-ups and SMEs explore product innovation, source applied research opportunities and leverage technical solutions for their needs. Providing a research and skills resource network targeted at companies based both in the North East and nationally.
How can CREDIT assist your company?
CREDIT is a key enabler of innovation working together with business, industry and communities to cultivate a continuous innovation cycle creating a journey from concept to reality for products and services. The Gateway is able to draw on an array of skills and expertise to address the necessary research and technical capabilities to deliver strategic solutions and transformational change across the energy challenge.
CREDIT provides the hands-on expertise and extensive knowledge of new and emerging energy trends to deliver tailored R&D programmes that combined with the access to leading facilities and expertise, test and scale up new developments and technologies, to accelerate innovation. They can also support business to take a structured and iterative approach to building prototypes and testing their new ideas and developing them as they go. The prototyping service enables innovators and businesses to experiment, evaluate, learn, and adapt an idea, so they can refine it into something even better. The process of prototyping and testing is the one of the important aspects in the manufacturing industry as this can give the idea of the production of the some of the difficult parts.
What services are available at CREDIT?
The Gateway provides technical services across:
Wind and Distributed Energy:
This theme explores concepts around the real and tangible need for research and development around wake effects, yaw errors and local terrain effects on wind turbine yields. These effects include the influence of forestry and other sources of surface roughness, the influence of other turbines within a wind farm on adjacent wind farms (offshore and onshore). Probing these issues is complex and the LiDAR family of products and associated expertise at Technology Gateways sees huge demand for services in this sector. There is need to perform analysis including vertical profiling and nacelle mounted and horizontal scanning. Distributed Energy is essentially a physically smaller generation and profiling technology. It concentrates usually on onsite generation and the consumption of energy produced on the same site (autoproduction or self-consumption). This usually includes small and/or modular energy generation and storage technologies that provide energy or electric capacity where it is locally needed.
Zero Carbon and Energy Optimisation:
This theme includes technologies such as tidal and wave energies, bioenergy including anaerobic digestion and off-grid energy systems incorporating wind, solar, EVs and storage. Breaking the barriers to deployment of these technologies especially in SME and commercial contexts will be key to decarbonisation of current heating and transport systems. The Zero Carbon theme encompasses many technologies which are in the development or early deployment stages in Ireland. This may include technologies which are mature in other areas of the world, but have not yet found the correct business case in Ireland. Our research also enables the Optimisation of Energy use in business and industry sectors to facilitate cost savings and numerous additional benefits including improving air quality, protecting the environment, and bolstering energy security
Energy Integration:
This research theme focuses on incorporating renewable energy, distributed generation, energy storage, thermally activated technologies, and demand response into the electric distribution and transmission system. A systems approach is utilised to conduct integration development and demonstrations to address technical, economic, regulatory, and institutional barriers for using renewable and distributed systems including micro-grids and peer-to-peer energy sharing. In addition to fully addressing operational issues, the integration also establishes viable business models for incorporating these technologies into capacity planning, grid operations, and demand-side management.
For more information on how CREDIT Technology Gateway can assist with research and innovation solutions check out their website.
The CREDIT Technology Gateway is co-funded by the Government of Ireland and the European Union through the ERDF Southern, Eastern & Midland Regional Programme 2021-27