Proficio newsletter #16
Welcome to our new newsletter!
February is being full of amazing events and opportunities to meet you face to face.
Are you attending the largest e-commerce event in Germany? We are! Come to E-commerce Berlin Expo at a Proficio booth and meet our colleagues from German branch in Munich.
And of course, we can′t wait for Marketing Festival to start! Proficio is proud to be its general partner so you can meet us directly at Jana?ek Theatre in Brno
Interested who is contributing to this issue with a very special interview?
Here is a small teaser for you:
Richard Shotton , a worldwide known behavioral sciences expert
“The cost to CMOs of ignoring behavioral science is an opportunity cost. If you’re still overlooking behavioral science, you’re losing out on uncovering game-changing influences on your customers’ behavior.”
Dr Grace Kite, a world-class speaker and a winner of 14 IPA Effectiveness Awards
“Marketers need to care about brand, but as an intangible asset, to view it as a stock of positive perceptions amongst customers and potential customers. Because that’s valuable – it produces a flow of sales that are going to come in the future as a result of the asset that we’ve built and hold today.”
Tom Fishburne, a popular author, a founder and CEO of Marketoonist?
“When we’re focused narrowly on our marketing jobs, it’s easy to delude ourselves into thinking that customers think about our brands as much, or in the same ways, as we do. The best antidote for marketing buzzwords is spending more time with actual customers, away from our desks.”
Haven′t you seen our last webinar yet?
Check out news and marketing trends for 2024 predicted by Proficio. Watch it in Czech.