IT Professionals and LIE...!!!
All IT professionals have filled time-sheets their projects, most people fill out time sheets stating that we work 8 hrs in a day as per company rule. That is today's biggest lie from the corporate world. We all know that it is never ever possible to work exactly for 8/9 hours 0 mins and 0 seconds. obviously, it would be for sometime more than that or less than that. For some company’s swiping or any other systems are implemented for employee’s attendances. Some employs are filling their attendance from home like a time in and time out to some login tool.
A person who stays late at the office is not a hardworking person. Instead he/she is a fool who does not know how to manage work within the stipulated time. He/She is inefficient and incompetent in his work.-Abdul Kalam
When the project manager would cleverly counter that claim stating that he did not work for 8/9 hours, but that he did 8 hours worth of work on that day. The argument claims that he might have taken sometime more or less, but then the work that he did was work that's worth 8 hours. That becomes the lie.
Employees manipulate to management or project manager but never manipulate him/her selves. If he/she had the ability to do 8 hrs of work in less than that time, then how could it be 8 hours worth of work? To answer this, the senior project manager would claim the development of components that reduce his working time and improve productivity. Then he would bring in the magic word development to claim that they were able to developing that much amount of time to reduce productivity.
And the conversation goes on... The conversation, which started with a focus on project, ends due to money. In end of story only money matters...!!!