Professionalize Mexico
Roberto Arriola Garcia
Public Affairs Senior Consultant and Leader for Business Opportunities at USMCA
In the professional services market, and particularly in consulting, there is a very true saying:
"If what a professional charges seems expensive to you,?wait to see the cost of the consequences of hiring an amateur".
Undoubtedly, part of the distortions suffered by the Mexican economy are the consequence of insufficient regulation of the professional services market.?A professional services market where accreditation, certificates and titles are not required by the client, and automatically generate an unqualified, unfair and poor quality alternative offer.
We understand that the provision of services occurs mainly through companies or organizations of different characteristics;?however, they are, in essence, educated individuals and it is a way of life that we must protect.?Especially now, when the informal economy already employs at least 56.6% of workers in Mexico, producing about 23% of the Gross Domestic Product.
In an emerging economy such as Mexico, where services employ more than half of the workforce and generate more than 70% of the country's total income, it is undoubtedly a matter that deserves the most attention from the government. , but fundamentally from us as citizens.
Because although it is true that our human rights, protected by the Political Constitution of the United Mexican States, indicate that:
It is also true that the professional services market in 2021 cannot be considered adequately regulated with a law enacted in 1945 by former President?Manuel ávila Camacho?, with minimal reforms.?Law known colloquially as?Law of Professions?.
IN PERSPECTIVE?, it is time for the professional services market to be seen as an opportunity to allow Mexicans a dignified way of life through merit, effort and an entrepreneurial spirit.?It is up to us citizens to put in the effort and talent, but certainly the government authorities are responsible for establishing a regulatory framework in a timely manner so that the professional services market develops, and the talent of Mexicans flourishes, enjoying the legitimate fruit of their job.
What do you think, dear reader?