Professionalism is defined as the behavior you exhibit while at work.
As a professional, there are certain traits people expect to see in you regularly. These are the few ways on how to remain professional at your work place.?
1. Be punctual
One of the personality traits of a good professional is the ability to arrive at the work station on time. The sage said : punctuality is the soul of business. It is the politeness of kings and queens.?
2. Practice etiquette?
Etiquette is politeness or courtesy. We also call it civility or decorum. It is the beauty of good manners. Be courteous to all but intimate to few.?
3. Maintain a positive mental attitude
Every member must come to work with a positive mental attitude. Be cheerful and look very bright. Wear a mile-wide smile. Don't transfer?your insuperable house problems to the work place. Zig Ziglar put it this way : It is your attitude, not aptitude, that determines your altitude.?
4. Dress decently at all times
Dressing is such an integral part of being a professional. Every member must learn to dress properly at all times. Do not dress to disturb you staff mates or whoever . Take care of your hair both men and women.?Therefore, don't dress like a large scale farmer of bhang.?
You dress the way you want to be addressed. So, stop ranting and chanting 'My dress, My Choice'. Keep yourself well-groomed and always pay attention to your personal hygiene.
5. Tame the sting of your tongue
As a professional, don't use obscene/vulgar language. Don't curse people. Shun vile verbal duels, gossips and godless chatters?Avoid unnecessary fights and feuds fueled by wanton war of words. Don't engage in petty politics and polemics.?
6. Share knowledge
A true professional is always willing to lend a helping hand to his or her colleagues. Share the specialised knowledge, and assist your fellow colleagues in case you have the wherewithal. Somewhere I read : Sharing is caring. When you share information, you may reap some immense benefits. The world does not reward you for what you know, but it rewards you for what you do with what you know.?
7. Respect yourself and others
Every person must respect himself or herself at any time. It is also important to respect your colleagues at work. Be polite at all times to fellow colleagues, even when provoked. Respect is two-way traffic. So, for you to be respected, respect others too.?
8. Control your anger
The work space is an area where you must learn to regulate your anger. Have some emotional intelligence. Even if you heat your anger to what magnitude, it cannot boil yummy yams. Robin Sharna puts it this way : an excellent way to control your temper is simply to count from 1 to 100 before you respond to someone who has irritated you.?
9. Don't peddle cheap lies
Do not lie. Don't be petty and pedantic. Don't be childish, foolish and doltish. Stop conjuring scarulous stories that don't exist. Avoid being a big fat liar. Be straight-forward. Don't doctor things. It is not good to be dubious. Dishonesty and lack of integrity never make anyone look good. Be honest and calm at all times. Never expose your dirty linen in public. Professionals must ensure they do not expose their dirty linen in public.?
10. Learn to be confidential
Keep confidential information confidential. Keep the secrets of the institution. Don't tear your colleagues like a piece of paper. Be wise, not otherwise.?
11. Follow?policies
Every true professional must obey policies. This depicts that you are disciplined and respectful. Obeying work policies will position you at the acme of your career.
12. Let heavenly power guide you
You always come out of your house to your work place empty-handed. Kneel down before you go out of your house telling God not to let you come in the evening the way you left.Bring something small but blessed.Even if economic times are hard hit, ask the power from above never let you lack.
13. Get your job done
Ensure on a daily basis, you have prepared your TO DO LIST for the day and?week — and strive to achieve them. At the end of every day and week, it’s important to go through your TO DO LIST for the week and see how much you have achieved. Every professional must be RESULT-ORIENTED.
*?Please let us all strive to offer the best because at the end of it all positive legacy is very important in every position that one holds in any institution?