High quality, fast service, creative images for professional and commercial use. Corporate Headshots a specialty.
Contact [email protected] of phone 847 803 9450 for personal attention. If you or your company have a need for creative imaging, either for business prestige and exhibits David Simm offers 24/48 service as standard and delivers top of the line quality digital images. Wall size display prints can some times add one or two days to production time but under normal circumstances normal production times are maintained rigidly.
When your company founder retires, what plans to you have to celebrate his/her legacy, for half a century David Simm has specialized in boardroom portraits and can make desk or wall size portrayals on a variety of substrates, in sizes from 8" x 10" miniatures to 40" x 60" Gallery masterpieces.
Business Headshots Two services are available, either David Simm with travel to your place of business/offices or chosen location, set up equipment, lights and cameras to conduct your session on your schedule, if you have multiple personnel in need of business portraits this is the most cost/time efficient and popular method to organize.
Alternately Individual Clients are welcome to schedule an appointment to visit the home office/studio, where the session can be photographed, allowing a half hour to fortyfive minutes for production. Previews will be generated and e-mailed for your perusal and your selected image(s) will be retouched and ready to be delivered as Hi Resolution digital files, or printed on photographic paper, suitable for reproduction or framing.