When we define the layout of a website, there are multiple choices that are up for grab by business. Whether you want to keep it minimalistic, user-friendly, classic or want it to pop out, your web design can turn out in the way you desire. A website should be many things but the final draft should always reflect your brand’s identity, personal style, and must give the visitors an idea about your business at first glance. These are some of the basic must-haves for every website that mark the beginning of a successful optimization for it.
A great web design is all about offering a smooth user-interface and functionality that can derive traffic and lead more conversions. Something that your viewers can remember you by without having any difficulties in understanding. It is an important step to develop the brand identity, to make your business stand out and covey the purpose of your business flawlessly.
Given below are some points that must be followed to have a professional web design for an outstanding site:
- Make your design reflect your business: A website is always an extension of your brand. The design should always represent your business and reflect the core values. The website design you choose must depend upon your business type and it should be memorable. The overall layout like colors and design must be compatible with the likeness of the targeted audience. By choosing a simple and moderate design, you can keep the audience engaged on your page for a longer period of time. Like an e-commerce website needs to be thoroughly designed with a lot of buttons or a clinic website should be plain and simple just to cover the important things that a user would like to know.
- Create a simple homepage: Your website homepage is the first place where a user lands when he discovers your business. Since it makes the first impression on a visitor, it must convey your core business values instantaneously. The appeal of the homepage can make them stay longer and they will remember if there are fewer buttons to click on and a few internal pages to visit. While you try to keep the homepage uncluttered, make sure to keep the important content unfolded so that the users can get to it without having to scroll through and search. A user isn’t likely to visit internal pages if they are not impressed by what is laid out on the homepage and in such case, you would lose a potential lead.
- Create a functional navigation: The second tip to develop a professional web design for an outstanding website is to keep the navigation easy. Search engines find it easy to index the websites that have an user-friendly navigation while such websites enhance the user experiences as well. No matter if you try to keep it fancy, it is more crucial to help the users find what they are looking for. And functional navigation helps websites to retain the users.
- Responsive design: While developing a professional web design, you must make it highly responsive - create such web pages that automatically adjust as per the different screen sizes and view ports. This is not only essential from the SEO point of view as the Google crawler crawls the mobile-friendly web pages first, but it allows the website content to flow freely in accordance with the browser size as well. That is why SEOs focus on keeping the website light so that it can be loaded easily on all devices. A highly responsive design is more likely to keep the users intact.
- Make your site easy to skim: In today’s world of speedy internet and unlimited content to scroll through, the users usually scour across a website speedily looking for specific keywords and information that catches their eyes. And in order to deliver the useful content to the users, a web design needs to deliver such visual components paired with a page layout so that a user stays longer. Websites that are easy to skin have a greater advantage in this regard.
- Include visual elements: Imagine the first thing that a user notices when he lands on your website. Will it be the content, infographics, high quality media features or vector art that impresses them? Well, let’s be honest that images communicate your point better and the user is more enticed by the visuals first. Many researches show that images catch the attention of the viewers and this increases their dwell time on your website. So make sure to add just the right amount of pictures to keep your website attractive. And also to convey the message interestingly without adding huge chunks of texts on every page.
- Incorporate social media buttons: In this world that is being ruled by social media, it would be wise to add social media buttons on your website. You can lead your audience directly to your social media pages from there and they can know all the updates. Social media buttons are the best way to convert the leads.
- Include call to action: While many businesses overlook the idea to add Call To Action (CTA) on their website, it is the trigger that prompts a viewer to become a potential lead. If a visitor doesn’t know what to do next on your website, they will utilize the CTA button to establish contact and enquire about your business. With CTA, not only your website design stands out but it also brings more conversions for your business. It makes an inseparable part of a professional web design for an outstanding site.
?Since we have already covered the most basic rules that should be followed by every website designing company, it should be noted by you as well before you choose someone for developing your website professionally. If you are ready to give a professional website design to your business, then you must make a checklist of the above mentioned points.